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Questions & Answers: 10/13/01

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DJ 10/13/01 11:31 PM Canada
Yo! i think i got sumthin! the person in the scuba diving suit,kinda looks like a girl,n im thinkin,its meryl,maybe roy campell sent her to back snake up,plus it looks like he/she is like sneakin arround? and that area in the new trailer,kinda looks like a water fortress,im guessin thats the destination of the metal gear ray,and fourtine the vamp dude n the other girl,i think are the group of whom they say thee leader is solid snake??? hmmm,but fourtine fights snake,so i dunno,cant wait till the game,try n answer this back! peace!
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
You gave us somemore things to think about

felipe hernandez 10/13/01 11:03 PM USA
my question is the guy with the octupus solidus snake
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
We think it is but may say its Big Boss but them two are clones.

felipe hernandez 10/13/01 8:38 PM USA
in the tokyo game show trailer in the beginning you see otacon on the ground and it is otacon and why is he kneeling down, did he get capture or something or is he crying and post this question up
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
Well Otacon Looks like he is captured and if you look his chest is all bloody. But we are thinking that maybe thats not Otacon because you never clearly see his face. It maybe there to throw us off.

Joe Evans 10/13/01 7:37 PM USA
When you get the good quality still of the face of the Ninja it looks like Decoy Octopus. This observation is made from the artwork of MGS. This would make good sense, after all Snake never actually had a conversation with Decoy, all we really know is that is was a master of disguise. Another possibility could be it is Big Boss disguised as Decoy. Whatever or whoever the Ninja is do you like me believe that Big Boss and/or Octopus will make appearances in MGS2?
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
We think the Ninja is maybe Grey Fox or Decoy Octopus. And Remember there is more then one Ninja.

Sebastian 10/13/01 7:17 PM Argentina
this guy whit a patch don't looks like big boss?remeber he has a patch in the same eye, and the ninja maybe is grey fox what do you think? i'm from argentina and your page is very famous around here!!keep like that guys!!
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
We think the Ninja is maybe Grey Fox or Decoy Octopus. And Remember there is more then one Ninja.

Mike 10/13/01 4:02 PM USA
Ok, I just have some stuff I think might be of some importance. You remember the last trailer before the one we just got? Remember when snake is in that long tunnel and he's talking to himself saying that "We are not tools of the government or anyone else fighting was the only thing I was good at". That was the line "Grey Fox" said before he died(supposedly)at the hands of Liquid. Also, this has been bugging me a lot. Vamp from the new trailer, I keep wondering If he is actually Decoy Octopus from the first Mgs, the guy who died from foxdie after imitating the Darpa Chief.I just thinks its him because Revolver Ocelot(Shalashaska) said he DRAINED the blood from his victims...I'll leave it at that, because thats all I can think of. P.S You're site rules!
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
Yes when Snake is in the tunnel, everything he is saying he is Quoting Grey Fox. And Thanks, you've gave us some more things to think about what you said about Vamp and Decoy Octopus.

Ryan Martinez 10/13/01 9:39 AM USA
I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! That guy in the scuba diving suit from new mgs2 trailer is solid snake too! remember from the one from e3? it said "either he survived or there are TWO of them. so i think that guy in the suit is the other solid snake from the first one you know the one who gets a hair cut and when they say snake dies at the end it means the one with long hair. Ive been studing this game for ...well ever i read everything there is to know and now i do. Well at least I think
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
Not sure but you may be right. And I think what they mean by him dying and he is here too is that Liquid Died but he is also hear referring to Solid Snake.

Dean Pereira 10/13/01 6:50 AM UK
well id just like to ask how you feel about the ending of the mgs2 demo where i think 'Big Boss' says not so young anymore eh?! and No wonder naomi passed u over for the foxdie program.' Does this mean naomi did put foxdie in snake and if he's alvie until now he would have got the vaccine from her. Also if he is a clone(some rumors goin around) y would octocon be friends with him and the clone would have foxdie as well. Snake is alive!
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
It hard to say who it is because its in Japanese

Malice 10/13/01 2:59 AM UK
WOW!!!! Cool video , i know this is a long shot but do you know who the bold headed man it ? :) thanks
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
That is Roy Campbell

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