Nick took hold of her arm as he led her into what looked like a dressing room. A blonde woman walked up to them.
“Hey there” She exclaimed. Instead of a handshake she hugged Josie.
“Hey” Josie replied. Brian flashed Josie a cute smile. Josie spotted a guy a few feet from her.
“Hey, That guy certainly needs the hair club for men” Josie joked. The blonde, Nick and Brian all laughed as if they were all thinking the same thing.
“Yo AJ!” Nick yelled. The slightly balding man walked up to Josie. “This is the girl from blockbuster”
“Hey-The way ya handed Nick his movies when he rented them; really touched his heart” AJ joked. Josie smirked.
“I’m AJ McLean” He exclaimed.
“I’m Josie Martin” She replied.
“I for got to introduce myself, I’m Leighanne Wallace, Brian’s Fiancee” The blonde woman commented. A huge sign that read ‘Backstreet Boys: All Strings Attached Tour’ hung on a wall behind her. Josie walked from the guys and went up to the poster. She examined it then turned back to them.
“I didn’t even recognize you guys!” Josie exclaimed.
“That was the plan” Nick replied. A man yelled for the guys to get ready for the show.
“Listen, how about you walk around with Leighanne and you can show me all the cool places to go around the city?” Nick asked.
“Sounds like a plan” Josie replied.
“So-How old are you?” Leighanne questioned.
“I’m 21-U?” Josie asked.
“I’m 31” Leighanne replied. Josie shot her a glance.
“No way, you look maybe 25 at most” Josie replied.
“The miracles of make-up” Leighanne joked. She led her from under the stage out to an enclosed fence area. People were beginning to come into the arena.
“So-What do you do for a living?” Leighanne asked, trying to start a conversation.
“Well, it’s not like this at all, I work at blockbuster and in the fall I go to school, I have a major in education and a minor in child development” Josie replied.
“So I’m guessing you love kids” Leighanne replied.
“Yea I do Leighanne, I love ‘em” Josie exclaimed.
“Call me Leigh, everyone else does-You might as well too” Leighanne replied. “Listen, if fans come up to us, you’re my friend from California, you work in the movie business like me”
“OK, but why all the secrecy?” Josie questioned.
“Fans can be rude sometimes” Leigh replied, not explaining anymore. Josie looked around and noticed the whole arena almost filled.
“I can’t believe this place sold out in 10 minutes” Josie exclaimed.
“I know, Its amazing how big the guys have gotten” Leigh exclaimed.
“How did they come up with the name for the tour?” Josie asked.
“NSYNC had no strings attached and since NSYNC copied the guys, the guys decided to show them and named it the All Strings Attached tour-Not very creative is it?” Leigh questioned.
“Nah-Its cool” Josie replied. Leighanne smiled. Leighanne took a seat and motioned for Josie to join her. They both watched as O-Town came out to open for the boys.
“Who’s that?” The red headed fan asked. Leigh looked at Josie.
“She’s my friend from Cali” Leigh replied. The girl eyed Josie suspiciously.
“That’s cool-Well thanks for the autograph Leighanne, Congratulations on your engagement” The girl replied walking away. The guys had just ended their show and everyone was leaving. Josie and Leighanne made their way back to the dressing rooms. All the guys were now in the room.
“Its smell like a locker room in here” Josie commented.
“5 hot, sweaty guys in one room would make it that way” AJ replied. Josie knew she was going to have fun being a smart-ass around him. She left Leighanne’s side and walked towards Nick.
“Hey” She exclaimed.
“Hey-Did you like the show?” Nick asked.
“No it sucked, I wouldn’t of paid good money to see it” Josie replied. Nick pouted. “OK, I loved it-I thought it was cool when you guys flew over the crowd”
“Well, maybe later we could get the workers to let you go for a ride” Nick replied.
“That would be cool” Josie replied. Nick pulled off his shirt and looked around.
“Do you see a towel somewhere?” Nick asked. Josie looked around.
“No, but I saw some outside the door, I’ll go get you one” She replied. Nick watched her as she left the room.
Josie grabbed a towel and was about to go back into the room when she noticed a girl walking around by herself.
“Did you loose your mom?” Josie yelled. The girl looked up at her.
“Who are you?” She snapped. Josie was about to reply when she stopped herself.
“I’m Leighanne’s friend” She replied. The girl eyed her.
“No you aren’t” She replied.
“Yes I am” Josie replied.
“I live like 2 minutes from the blockbuster in Milwaukee-I always rent videos from you-So, Who are you really? Are you back here looking for the guys too?” The girl questioned. Josie suddenly remembered the girl-She always rented the guys all access video.
“No-I gotta go” Josie replied quickly. Instead of going back to the room, Josie walked around for awhile to make sure the girl hadn’t followed her, Then made her way to the room. She opened the door to see everyone dressed.
“Did you get lost?” Nick questioned. She held up the towel.
“I got the towel” She replied. AJ took it from her.
“Thanks-I needed one” AJ exclaimed. Josie smiled at him weakly. She walked over by Nick. There were no seats near him so she jumped on the counter.
“So-What are we doing now?” Josie asked. Nick finished combing his hair.
“Well-I don’t smell like a locker room anymore so we can go to a club or something” Nick replied. Josie glanced around the room, noticing everyone listening to their conversation.
“Well-I know this place called Club Zero, We could go there” Josie replied. AJ walked over to her.
“Sounds great babe” He exclaimed. Josie pushed him away.
“Damn, You have to come?” Josie joked. AJ shrugged.
“Nick isn’t any fun anyway-If I don’t come, you’ll be bored out of your mind” AJ commented, helping her off the counter.
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