ChApTeR fOrTy-FoUr

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Josie laid down in a pile of embrodered napkins. She'd gone through everyone and picked which one's she liked the most. Then she showed them to Amanda and Leighanne and they finally chose napkins. It had taken more then a month to get all the plans for the wedding figured out and Nick certainly wasn't any help at all. She'd started to feel lousy over the last week and Leighanne had blamed it on stress. Josie sighed. She was sitting at a table with Leighanne going through the dinner menu.

"This is way too much work for one night" Josie complained.

"Didnt you and Chris go through this last time?" Leighanne asked.

"No-The bar that we were having the reception in wasn't exactly as classy as the Grand Ball Room in Tampa Florida" Josie replied. Leighanne smirked.

"I talked to Brian yesterday-It was just an hour but I think we're starting to get stuff worked out" Leighanne replied.

"Good" Josie replied. Her stomach felt quizzy and she wanted to go to sleep. She looked around Nick's mansion in The Florida keys. It was a huge house with only her an Leigh in it.

"I'm gonna go to bed" Josie replied. She got up from the table and held her stomach.

"Cramps?" Leighanne joked.

"Could be...Now that I think about it-It should've came last week" Josie replied.

"Oh well...Mine's always fucked up like that" She replied.

"Well, Night" Josie exclaimed. She walked upstairs and went through Nick's closet. She grabbed a white fluffy robe and fell asleep.

"I feel bad about making her do everything" Nick exclaimed. Brian smiled.

"Nick-She has nothing better to do except spend your money so let her do it" AJ explained.

"I know but....She said her and Leighanne went through 500 patterens before they found the ones they wanted. I guess all these companies are making things and sending them there. Like Scott paper towels sent her 200 napkin patterns. How can you even make 200 napkin patterns?" Nick argued.

"I dunno-But everyone just wants to be part of your special day" Howie replied. They were under the stage in New York. They'd just performed to a sell out crowd at madison square garden. In a week Nick would be home and in 2 weeks he'd be married.

"I just hope she doesn't hate me" Nick replied.

"Nick, Leighanne did the same exact thing before. Girls love doing this stuff-It's fine" Brian replied. He threw Nick a towel and smiled.

"Me and AJ have your bachlor party all planned out" Brian explained.

"AJ? Brian just make sure there's no strippers. You remember the 10 strippers AJ hired for Kevin's wedding" Nick complained. Brian smiled.

"Don't worry about it" He replied.

"How about we have your bachloret Party the day before the wedding?" Leighanne exclaimed.

"Isn't that when your suppose to have it?" Josie questioned.

"Yea" Amanda replied. The 3 women stood in the airport waiting for Flight 128 from Milwaukee, WI to come in. Mel was certainly gonna be part of her wedding. Mel had to be fitted for her Maid of honor dress right after she landed. They saw the flight land and the people get off. One after another they walked by and but no sign of mel. Finally a girl with Bleached Blonde hair walked up to them. Josie couldn't believe it was Mel.

"You dyed your hair?" Josie questioned. Mel had always had the most beautiful long brown hair.

"Yea-You like?" Mel questioned spining around.

"Its great!" Amanda exclaimed with a half smile. Her and Mel walked it front of Josie and Leighanne as they walked to the car.

"It looks like shit" Leigh whispered in Josie's ear. Josie smirked and watched her friend. Mel had gained a considerable amount of weight and she hardly looked like the old Mel they all knew. Josie sighed. She was gonna have to talk to her-Something must've happened to her.

Josie knocked on Melissa's door. She heard a zipper zip quickly and then mel's voice.

"Yea?" She questioned. Josie opened the guest room door and smiled.

"You like this place?" Josie questioned.

"It's so beautiful. You look so happy. Just think. You might've never gone on tour with Nick if it wasn't for me" Melissa explained. She was referring to the night Nick had asked josie to come with him on tour and since she's just met him she's almost said no.

"Yea Yea. You should see the view from the ocean in our room-It's so beautiful" Josie exclaimed. Mel smiled.

"I missed ya in WI. My whole life got fucked up. I wish I wouldn't have done some things...ya know..Maybe I could be as happy as you" Melissa commented.

"What are you talking about?" Josie questioned. Mel opened her bag and threw a baggie at her. It didn't take very long to figure out that the baggie was full of weed.

"This one night I went to a party and i got wasted. When I woke up I was naked at some guys house and 9 months later I had a baby. I didn't know the guy so I wasn't about to tell him. It was hard on me and I keep thinking if I would've made different decsions I could be happy right now. Maybe even married" Mel explained. Josie walked over and hugged her friend.

"You know what-You should move down here. I could introduce you to all my friends. We could go shopping all the time. Your kid would love to grow up here!" Josie exclaimed. Mel smiled.

"Maybe in your world Josie. I put Jason, my son, up for adoption and he lives in Boston with some real good people. It was hard but I did it. Besides, I'd just be interfering" Mel replied.

"Girl...I'm alone usually with Nick gone on tour anyway. C'mon-I'm sure you could live in the spare room-Nick wouldn't mind. You're only 26-You have your whole Life to live" Josie picked up the baggie. "You don't want to waste it on shit like this"

"I guess I could try it out" Mel replied. She hugged her friend.

"You gotta promise me you'll stop taking this shit" Josie exclaimed.

"I'll try" Mel replied.

"Can you move?" Josie questioned. Melissa sucked in and tried to sit, almost ripping the dress.

"No" She muttered. She'd told Josie size 8 a month ago and now it was up to a 10.

"Well...You had a baby. It'll take only an hour-we'll redo some sems" The dressmaker replied. Mel smiled and got herself outta her dress.

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