Lyndz heard the phone ring. She walked over and looked at the caller ID. Lyndz sighed. It wasn't that she didn't like Megan....She was just conceited sometimes. Megan only called when she wanted something. Lyndz contemplated picking the phone up and then decided to.
"Hey Meg" Lyndz exclaimed.
"HEY! I'm so bored! I haven't been able to talk to you in so long!" Meg exclaimed. Lyndz always hated talking to Meg. No matter how mad at her she was, Meg always seemed to sound so excited and happy to talk to her.
"Yea I know. I've been real busy-I bet you have too" Lyndz replied.
"Yea...I was in Paris for a month! My mom wants me to go back there. In fact, she's there now. Along with Morgan and Brent. So...I was thinking that maybe we could get together" Megan explained. Lyndz looked at a pile of homework she had to do for her interior designing class. She only had one class at 6am and then she was off of college the rest of the day.
"Sure...I'll be over in like an hour or so" Lyndz replied.
"Wait...We bought a new house. The press bugged us too much at the old one. Its about 10 miles down the beach from my old one. There's a guard at the gate to the neighborhood but I can easily buzz you in" Megan explained.
"Alright...I know where that place is. It's real expensive right?" Lyndz asked. She knew what Megan's answer would be. If it wasn't expensive Megan wouldn't have anything to do with it.
"Yea...It has all these celebrities and millionares in it. I honestly haven't met anyone in this neighborhood yet-No one's ever home" Megan replied.
"Lyndz?" Megan questioned. She heard her door open and saw a blonde head walk through the door.
"LYNDZ!" Megan yelled. She ran down the stairs and hugged her. Lyndz laughed. She hadn't expected Megan to be happy to see her. Megan could be a Bitch if she wanted to.
"Hey-This place is so cool. I think I saw Justin Timberlake on my drive in here" Lyndz explained.
"Probably was" Megan replied. Celebrities didn't effect her as much as they used to. The first time she had modeled she'd met Tyra Banks. She thought she was gonna die. After meeting her and almost every other celebrity known to man...They didn't seem important to her.
"This place is great. Ocean view, pool, hot tub...It's great" Lyndz gusted.
"Not when you're the only one here" Megan replied.
"Is something wrong?" Lyndz questioned.
"I wanna go shopping" Megan exclaimed.
"I dont have any cash-I'm like just breaking even" Lyndz explained. Megan shrugged.
"Shops pay me to shop at thier stores-You can get some stuff for free" Megan explained. Lyndz smiled. This was why she liked spending time with Megan.
"Nick..Hurry up i don't want anyone noticing us" Brian snapped. Nick sighed. He was wearing a AF red hat, a red plaid shirt, a white AF t-shirt underneath that and some khakis. Brain wore a green AF hat, a Black sweater and some jeans. They looked like normal people. They were in Sam Goody. Nick ran down the rows of CD's looking for one for Aaron.
"What CD does he want?" Brian questioned.
"Um....3LW. There this new group he likes" Nick explained. Brian nodded and went to find the CD. Brian walked to the 'new' CD rack and found it.
"I got it" Brian yelled to Nick. He started to walk towards Brian. Brian was standing in front of a cardboard cut-out of the guys. Nick smirked. A girl walked into the store, took one look at Brian and screamed.
"Crap" Brian muttered.
Nick chowed on some pizza in the food court. While girls walked by Nick and Brian rated them. It was a terrible thing to do but it was fun.
"I'll give her a six" Nick exclaimed.
"She's kinda ugly" Brian replied. "She's got a lot of acne"
"But a nice ass" Nick commented. Brian laughed. Nick finished his soda and threw it away. They walked down the mall stopping occasionally when they saw some clothes in the window.
"You know that chick in Sam Goody...After she screamed I thought for sure she'd blow our cover and we'd end up running towards our car" Brian explained.
"nah...When she screamed I told her that I'd sign something if she didn't give us away" Nick replied. "She listened...I have that effect on women. Whatever I tell 'em to do they do"
"You wish Nick" Brian replied.
"I'm not kidding. Pick any women under 30 and I'll show you" Nick exclaimed. Brian looked around a mall. He saw two women standing in Abercrombie looking at some tops.
"Those girls over there-I bet you 20 bucks they won't even give you a second glance" Brian bet. Nick smirked.
"The one's in Abercrombie? They'll be easy" Nick exclaimed. Brian followed him over to the ladies.
"Hey there ladies" Nick exclaimed. The brunette looked up at him, rolled her eyes and looked down. The blonde was looking through shirts and didn't even notice him.
"Do you have a small in this?" The brunette questioned. Nick frowned.
"I don't work here" He exclaimed.
"You're all in there stuff I thought you did" She explained. Nick looked down at his AF outfit.
"My name's Nick" He exclaimed.
"Thats Great" She replied. Nick frowned and gave her a puppy face. "My name's Megan"
"Well Megan...I don't work here-but I do model their clothes" Nick lied. She smiled.
"Really?" Megan questioned with a look of awe. Nick smiled.
"Yea" Nick replied. He looked back at Brian and smiled. Brian smirked. "You and your friend want to come back to my place?"
"That would be great. What issue are you in?" Megan questioned.
"Summer 2000" Nick lied.
"That's kinda funny because I've been in every issue and I've never noticed you" Megan exclaimed. Lyndz looked up and almost screamed when she saw Nick standing in front of her. "Get a new pick up line Nick-That one wasn't very convincing. C'mon Lyndz let's go"
"Wait Meg! That's...." Lyndz started.
"Right...Let's go" Megan muttered. She almost had to pull Lyndz away from Nick. Nick walked back over to Brian.
"That was slick. Where's my 20 bucks?" Brian questioned. Nick swore under his breath and pulled out his wallet and handed Brian a 20.
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