A little about me.

1. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Nichole
2. Nicknames: Monkeypuff, Nick, Nicky
3. Parent's names: Jeff and Kathy
4. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake:20
5. Pets: cat-He died 7-14-03 :(
6. Height: 5'5
7. Eye colour: blue-they turn green and grey too
8. Hair Colour: blonde-yea its normal now
9. Piercing: tongue, 3 in my ear
10. Tattoos: 2 and I plan on getting at least 3 more
11. How much do you love your job?: Not very much
12. Birthplace: Atlanta Georgia
13. Current Residence: South Milwaukee, WI
14. Had the drink Calypso Breeze?:No
15. Been in love before?: yes
16. Been to Africa?: nope
17. Been toilet-papering?: nope
18. Been drunk?: more times then I can count
19. Been toilet-papered?: nope
20. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: yes for years
21. Been in a car crash?: yep
22. 2 doors or 4 doors on your car? 4
23. Sprite or 7 Up: Sprite
24. Coffee or Coffee Ice cream: coffee ice cream
25. Blanket or Stuffed Animal: stuffed animal
26. Salad Dressing: Ranch
27. Colour of socks: white
28. Favorite Number: 69
29. How come: hehehe why do you think
30. Place to be kissed: ummm *blushes* you don't need to know that :0p
31. Movie: Star wars
32. Quote from a movie:"adventure, excitement, a jedi craves not these things"
33. Foods: italian
34. Day of the Week: Friday
35. Song at the moment: Vampires from fastball
36. TV show: wwf smack down
37. Word or Phrases: freak
38. Celebrity: none
39. Toothpaste: Crest
40. Restaurant: Andera's
41. Flower: Snap Dragon
42. Least Favorite Subject: gym
43. Alcoholic Drink: long island ice tea
44. Sport to Watch: #36
45. Type of Ice: cube
46. Favorite Zoo Exhibit: penguins
47. Sesame Street Character: Mr.Speedy Super Guy...no one remembers him :(
48. Disney or Warner bros: warner bros.
49. Fast Food Restaurant: burger king or subway
50. When was your last hospital visit? 7th grade. I had pink eye
51. Favorite drink? Mountain dew
52. What colour is your bedroom's carpet? white...yes i have carpet now :)
53. What was the name of your childhood blanket? I never named it
54. What do you think of Ouija boards? Awsome when it works
55. Where do you see yourself in 10 yrs? Probably in South Milwaukee
56. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: nope
57. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card?: best buy,porn shop, toy store
58. What do you do most often when you are bored?:I'm always bored. well for the most part
59. Your friends that live the farthest away: Paul
60. Most annoying thing is: stupid people
61. Bedtime: Bedtime? what's that? :0p
