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Economy and Occupations

Are there socioeconomic classes in this society?

Some of the classes were Senators, Patricians, Equestrians, Plebeians, Slaves, Freedmen, and non-Roman citizens. All of them were ruled by the Emperor. The seperation of these classes was legally enforced, although it was possible to move up the social ladder as your financial standings improved. During the Empire, entry into the higher classes could be gained by getting property and wealth, or at the pleasure of the Emperor. In one famous incident, Caligula even raised a horse to Senatorial rank.

What kind of occupations exist? Which are most valued?

Some Roman jobs included things like bakers, barbers, wine sellers, oil sellers, construction, finances, trade, government, artisans, and other things that delt with daily needs and provisions. The farmers and landowners were valued and looked highly upon. On the other hand, people with jobs that incur others' mistrust (tax collectors, money lenders, etc.) were looked down upon.

Do they have money and/or trade?

The Romans had currency in the form of various coins. The Romans traded quite frequently with all parts of the empire. Tin, gold and lead was imported to Rome from Brittania.