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Technology and Medicine

What types of technology does this society possess?

Roman scientific achievements are mostly in the areas of medicine and engineering. The Romans invented a lot of new ways to mine for metals like silver,gold, and lead. They developed water mills as well for grinding grain. And they were the first people to really use concrete for major building projects. The use of concrete helped them to develop the dome and the barrel vault and the cross vault. Roman subjects in Phoenicia also invented blown glass, and mold-made pottery and oil lamps were also first made in the Roman period.

How do they treat illness and disease?

There were doctors who specialized in treating illness and disease. These people knew more than the common person about anatomy and the way the body works. There were no antibiotics so doctors were left to their own primitive methods. People who were ill were helped and not looked down upon like in some other societies.

How do they store or record important information?

The Romans, of course, had a writing system. They even developed their own set of numbers (Roman Numerals). They also had the calander for a wider viewer of important events.