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Time Conversion charts to determine the time for anyplace in the world from anyplace in the world.

Craig Braun has put together these charts for determine the time for anyplace in the world from anyplace in the world. If you know the time zone from which a station is located and rather they observe daylight savings time you can quickly determine what time it is there.

The charts will print on a 8 1/2 x 11" page when printed in landscape format.
sample World Time Chart 24 Hour
Sample World Time Chart 24 Hour

World Time Chart 24 Hour 2.11 MB large file
World Time Chart 12 Hour 2.11 MB large file
Chart Standard Time 793 KB large file
Text file for using charts 8 KB
Zip file including all four charts
103 KB


Time Zone maps are located at these locations.  The PDF files require Acrobat Reader to view.

US Navy 2004 Time Zone Map JPG 81 KB black/white more up-to-date visit U.S. Navy website

Indiana University 1999 Time Zone Map PDF 989 KB large file color not as up-to-date visit Indiana U. website , includes online World Time Zone calculator
Looking for shortwave schedule information?  Go to the Prime Time Shortwave website.

Visitors since June 2, 2005

If you have any suggestions, corrections, contributions or anything you would like to comment on, please email me. Daniel Sampson.