Nicole opened the apartment door quietly and stumbled into it. She hit a lamp, mumbled to herself and then caught it before it hit the ground. She stumbled around more when she found the couch. She switched on the lamp next to the couch and saw Katie and Nick sleeping quietly wrapped in each other’s arms.
“Shit” Nicole mumbled. She walked towards the hallway and walked down it quietly. So far, she hadn’t made much sound. She opened the door to her room when she heard a toliet flush. She was hoping she would be able to get away with getting in late when Brian walked out of the bathroom.
“Brian?” Nicole asked. Brian squinted.
“Where have you been?” Brian questioned. Nicole shrugged.
“Where? It’s 3 in the morning for god sakes” Brian demanded
“I went out and got knocked up” Nicole muttered.
“Nicole” Brian exclaimed.
“I’ve been at Angela’s” Nicole replied. Brian smiled.
“That wasn’t so hard was it?” Brian yawned. Nicole shook her head. Brian walked into Nicole’s bedroom and fell on the bed.
“I’m tired, get some sleep” Brian mumbled. Nicole pulled off her jeans and climbed in bed next to him. He slid his arm around her waist and closed his eyes. Nicole sat staring at the wall, wondering what to tell Brian.
“YO! That’s my cereal” Nick complained. Krissie threw the bowl back at him.
“You haven’t even eaten any of it!” Krissie yelled.
“Doesn’t mean it’s not mine” Nick joked. Krissie pulled it from him and started to eat it. Everyone was up getting ready for class.
“Hey-Kris!” Brian yelled. Krissie turned around quickly.
“Nicole looks like shit run over twice, so can you just take notes about class for her?” Brian asked. Krissie nodded her head and ran out the door. Katie ran down the hall, kissed Nick, gave Brian a hug and ran after Krissie.
“We going to play some ball, right Brian?” Nick asked.
“Would you stop talking like that Justin dude from NSYNC? It’s pissing me off” Kevin yelled. Nick shrugged.
“Katie liked it last night” Nick smiled. Brian rolled his eyes.
“Can I come play ball with you guys?” Kevin asked. Brian shrugged.
“I’ll just go tell Nicole we’re going” Brian replied. Brian ran towards Nicole’s door.
“Baby, I’m going to play some B-Ball” Brian whispered. Nicole nodded and pulled the covers over her face. Brian leaned down and pulled the covers away. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and ran out the door. Nicole lay in her bed quietly, not moving at all.
“Mr. Washer was an ass today Nicole, you’re lucky you didn’t come” Krissie exclaimed. Nicole was sitting on the couch while Krissie got her some OJ.
"Yeah" Nicole replied quietly.
"What's up with you?" Krissie asked.
"Listen, last night, I went to Angela's" Nicole started. Krissie laughed.
"Was she having an Orgy? What have I told you about those!" Krissie joked.
"ANYWAY-I got a little drunk" Nicole exclaimed.
"And you slept with some guy?" Krissie asked.
"How did you know?" Nicole questioned. Krissie gulped.
"Nicole, I was just kidding" Krissie replied. Krissie handed Nicole her OJ and sat next to her.
"I didn't mean to Krissie, I mean, I'm not like that" Nicole mumbled. Krissie glared at Nicole.
"HOW COULD YOU SLEEP WITH SOME GUY?” Krissie yelled. Nicole closed her eyes.
“Don’t yell, Katie could hear you” Nicole mumbled.
“I will yell, Nicole, How could you be so stupid?” Krissie asked. Nicole looked down.
“It’s all my fault” Nicole muttered. Krissie started to feel bad, the guy could’ve gotten her drunk and she had yelled at her.
“No it’s not” Krissie replied. Krissie looked up to see the front door open slightly.
“Nicole, just shut up about it OK” Krissie snapped. Nicole sniffed loudly as Krissie walked towards the door.
”Nick-Hold the dog, I want to surprise her!” Brian yelled softly to Nick. Nick held a cocker spaniel in his arms.
”Are you sure she’ll want this type of dog?” Nick asked.
”Yeah, she has a picture of one on her desk in her room, maybe an old pet or something” Brian replied. Nick pulled the dog higher off the ground. The door opened and Krissie gave Brian and Nick a weird look. Nick dropped the dog as it ran into the apartment.
“You clutz!” Brian screamed. Nicole turned around and saw the puppy.
“OMG-He’s so cute!” Nicole exclaimed.
“He’s a she” Brian replied. Nicole smiled at him. She scooped the puppy into her arms. Brian sat down next to her as Krissie and Nick walked closed the door and walked downstairs.
“I knew you were feeling bad-so I got you a dog” Brian replied. Nicole squeezed it tight.
“What’s her name?” Nicole asked.
“You pick” Brian replied.
“She looks like you-So I’ll call her Brian” Nicole joked. Brian nudged her.
“Is that a compliment-because she’s cute puppy” Brian joked. Nicole petted the dog.
“I’ll call her, um, Lily” Nicole replied. Brain shrugged.
“Hey lily” Brian commented. The dog looked up and waged its tail as Brian started to kiss Nicole. He slid her down onto the couch and slid his hands under her shirt. Lily jumped to the ground as Nicole pushed Brian off her.
“I’m sick Brian, maybe we shouldn’t” Nicole mumbled. Brian breathed out deeply.
“Yeah-I forgot” Brian muttered. He stood up and walked towards Nicole’s room. Nicole sat on the couch petting Lily.
“We leave tomorrow” Kevin exclaimed. Krissie and Katie had made dinner for them. Nicole was playing with her food while the others talked.
“Why?” Katie asked.
“Well, AJ and D called us, we need to make the new CD, ya know, with NSYNC’S new CD coming out and all” Brian replied. Nick picked up some dishes.
“We better clean up quick so we can make the best of tonight” Nick exclaimed coyly.
“Geez Carter-all you think about is getting freaky with Katie” Kevin exclaimed.
“That’s all you think about to!” Brian joked.
“With Katie?” Krissie commented. They joked around with Kevin for awhile, then finally cleaned the table off. Nick and Katie retreated to Katie’s room and Krissie and Kevin went to Krissie’s room. Nicole and Brian sat alone in the kitchen.
“I can sleep out here if your not feeling good” Brian exclaimed. Nicole shook her head.
“That’s OK, I feel a little better” Nicole replied. She walked towards her room with Brian following her.
“I never thought I could fall in love with someone that wasn’t famous, I mean, you’re everything I want in a women, most of the time after you become famous, all the regular women want you for your money then cheat on you” Brian laughed. Nicole stopped in her tracks, thinking he knew.
“You love me?” Nicole questioned. They were standing near her bed. Brian leaned over and kissed her.
“With all my heart” Brian replied. Nicole felt like shit. In her mind, she had done something terrible, when in reality, someone had done something terrible to her. Brian was pushing her towards the bed, but she didn’t stop him this time.