”The answer is Rhode Island you dumb shit” Krissie screamed at the TV. Regis looked at the contestant.

”So, what is the smallest state in the United States?” Regis asked.

”You know Reg, I don’t know, So I’m just going to take the half a million” The contestant replied.

”Well, the answer was Rhode Island” Regis exclaimed. Krissie screamed and threw a shoe at the TV.

”Dumb Fuck” Krissie exclaimed.

”You know Kris, you get WAY into these shows” Katie joked. Krissie got off her place on the couch and walked toward Katie. She (Katie) was leaving for Spring Break in about a week and was packing.

”So, whatcha bringing?” Krissie asked.

”Well, all my summer stuff and, um, this dress I got in Vegas” Katie exclaimed.

”HMMMM, I see, so, do you bring that dress everywhere you go?” Krissie asked.

”No” Katie exclaimed.

”None of the guys have called us since Vegas, you do know that” Krissie exclaimed.

”DUH” Katie replied. Krissie shrugged.

”I don’t like Nick anymore” Katie yelled as Krissie walked back toward the couch.

”Guys, I’m home” Nicole exclaimed.

”Your suppose to say ‘Honey, I’m home’, Its not funny otherwise” Krissie exclaimed, still sitting on the couch.

”OK, Hold On” Nicole exclaimed. She set her books on the table and walked out the door, then walked back in.

”Honey, I’m home” Nicole joked. Katie walked out and rolled her eyes.

”I’ve just learned to not ask” Katie muttered. Krissie threw a pillow at her when the phone rang.

”Hel-lo?” Nicole asked.

”Hey, Nicole, This is Brian” Brian exclaimed. Nicole stopped laughing and she motioned for Krissie and Katie to pick up the phone.

”Hey Brian, what up?” Nicole asked.

”Nothing much here, u?” Brian asked.

”Oh, nothing much, then again, you didn’t call me, so you wouldn’t know if anything was up or not” Nicole exclaimed.

”Hey, you didn’t call me either” Brian whined.

”The guy is suppose to call the girl,” Nicole yelled.

”What? Who made that rule?” Brian questioned.

”Me” Nicole said flatly.

”Oh, well, OK, listen, I need a favor” Brian exclaimed.

”You need a favor?” Nicole asked.

”Yeah, listen, I know I shouldn’t be asking, after last time and all, but can you come to Cancun with me?” Brian asked.

”Why?” Nicole asked.

”Well, see, We’re doing MTV Spring Break and I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me?” Brian asked. Katie and Krissie shook their heads yes.

”I would Brian, but, my boyfriend already asked me to the Bahamas” Nicole exclaimed.

”OH” Brian replied sadly.” Listen, I gotta go-See ya around”

”Bye” Nicole replied.


”Really? I didn’t know” Nicole exclaimed sarcastically.

”Then why did you say that to Brian?” Katie asked.

”Because!” Nicole replied.

”Because Why?” Katie asked. Nicole shrugged. Nicole ran to her room and called *69.

”OK, so I’ll be in Cancun for a week, you guys are sure your fine here?” Nicole asked. Krissie laughed.

”I’m going to the Bahamas with my boyfriend” Krissie exclaimed. Nicole rolled her eyes.

”Nicole, My rents and I are going to Florida, remember?” Katie questioned.

”Oh yeah” Nicole laughed. “See you two in a week!”

”Yeah, I love you too” Krissie exclaimed flatly as Nicole ran out the door towards her Taxi.

”So, ever been to Cancun?” The man sitting next to Nicole on the plane asked.

”No” Nicole replied.

”Well, I’ve been there 6 whole times” The man laughed, holding up 5 fingers. The stewardess walked by and offered the man some of those little liquors.

”UM, I think he’s had enough” Nicole exclaimed, resting her head back against the seat.

”What time does the plane come in?” Nick asked Brian. Brian shrugged; hoping no one would recognize him. Lots of younger people were smiling at him.

”Frack, they know its me” Brian exclaimed.

”Frick, your paranoid because Nicole’s coming, and let me tell you-Good thing she is because all its been for the last 2 months was ‘Nicole this and Nicole that’ and if I hear her name one more time…” Nick exclaimed.

”NICOLE!” Brian yelled. Nicole turned around and smiled as Brian walked/ran toward her. He hugged her and lifted her off the ground.

”I guess you missed me” Nicole joked, grabbing her bags. Nick waved at her and motioned for them to follow him to the car.

”So, what have you been up to?” Brian asked.

”Well, I had to tell Krissie and Katie they weren’t invited, that took the longest” Nicole exclaimed.

”OH, I can’t believe I forgot-Nick even reminded me to ask you about bring Katie” Brian laughed. Brian opened the door to the Ford Expedition they rented and smiled at the guys.

”Hey Nicole” The guys exclaimed in unison.

”Hey guys” Nicole exclaimed. She jumped in back and sat next to Nick.

”So Carter, what’s up with you?” Nicole asked.

”Well, I have 6 kids and 3 wives” Nick replied.

”Cool” Nicole exclaimed, smirking. Nick smiled.

”So, are we still waiting for Katie to come?” Nick asked.

”Brian never asked me Nick-she would have come, trust me, she keeps telling me she could have screwed your brains out” Nicole laughed. Nick didn’t laugh and all 5 faces in the car went to him.

”What?” Nick asked, his face turning beet red.

”SO, this is your room” Brian exclaimed, opening the door. Nicole smiled.

”Whose room is that?” Nicole asked, pointing to the joint room onto hers.

”That’s mine” Brian replied. Nicole smiled quickly.

”OH, OK” Nicole replied.

”I can always share with Nick if you want me to” Brian replied. Nicole shook her head.

”No No, that’s OK” Nicole exclaimed. She fell onto her bed and smiled up at Brian.

”What?” Brian questioned, lying down next to her.

”Nothing” Nicole replied, she turned onto her side so she could face him.

”Do I have some shit on my face? Because Nick gave me some Danish before we got to the airport and…” Brian started. Nicole put her finger on his lips and brought her lips onto his. Brian seemed shocked, but didn’t push her away. Nicole rolled on top of him and started to unbutton his shirt when Nick walked in.

”HEY, OOPS, I’ll come back later” Nick exclaimed, slowly shutting the door.

”No, Nick, What’s up?” Nicole asked. Nick showed Nicole 2 airplane tickets.

”Would you call Katie and Krissie and see if they’re busy this week?” Nick asked.

”Why isn’t anyone here to get us?” Katie asked, sitting waiting for someone to pick Krissie and herself up.

”Don’t know” Krissie replied. Katie shrugged.

”GUYS!” Nicole yelled. She ran over to them.

”We’ve been waiting for, like 30 minutes!” Katie growled.

”The guys just finished performing for MTV, I wanted to watch” I exclaimed. Katie narrowed her eyes and Nicole laughed.

”Guess what!” Nicole exclaimed.

”What?” Krissie questioned.

”Brian and I have a joint room” Nicole replied.

”Really?” Katie asked. Nicole shook her head.

”Nick shares with Howie, Kevin and Krissie and Your by yourself” Nicole exclaimed. Katie gave her a sympathetic look.

”You don’t want you two doing something I wouldn’t do” Nicole laughed.

”Nicole, you do remember that I’m older than you, right?” Katie asked. Nicole smiled at her.

”But, I have a older, more experienced guy” Nicole whispered as they jumped into a car that was waiting for them.

”Hey, How about we go to movie or something?” Nick asked. Nick, Brian , Nicole and Katie were lounging on the couches in Nicole’s hotel room.

”No, Nicole and I are going to stay here” Brian exclaimed.

”We are?” Nicole asked, moving her eyebrows up and down. Brian smiled and put his arm around her shoulders.

”Yeah” Brian exclaimed. Katie shrugged.

”We’re going to see ‘Scream 3” Katie exclaimed.

”Well, Its at 6 and its 5 now, and we still gotta catch McDonald’s” Nick exclaimed. Katie waved good-bye and Nicole stood up.

”So, whatcha wanna do?” Nicole asked. Brian plopped down on her bed and rubbed the spot on the bed next to him.

”I see, well, I don’t wanna do that, so I’m just going to take a shower” Nicole yelled, walking into the bathroom. Brian shrugged and turned on the TV.

”Kevy, I’m bored!” Krissie yelled.

”So?” Kevin asked. Krissie smiled. They were downstairs in the Hot Tub of the hotel.

”Well, I’ve always had this dream of having sex with a hot guy in a hot tub” Krissie exclaimed. Kevin looked around.

”I don’t see any hot guys!” Kevin exclaimed. Krissie rolled her eyes and started to kiss Kevin. When Krissie pulled away Kevin smiled at her.

”I always had this dream that I have sex with a women in a Hot Tub too!” Kevin exclaimed.

”Really?” Krissie asked, holding her head to one side.

”Yeah-but see, in the end, 9 months later, she has a baby….weird huh?” Kevin asked. Krissie rolled her eyes and pushed away from Kevin.

”What do you want?” Nick asked. Katie looked up.

”Chicken McNuggets and a Mt. Dew” Katie exclaimed. Nick got the food and Katie grabbed a seat. A little girl walked up to her.

”’Cuse me, is that man Nick Carter?” The girl asked.

”Yes” Katie replied. Nick walked over to the table.

”Hey There” Nick exclaimed to the little girl.

”Hello, is this ur gurlfriend?” The girl asked. Nick shook his head.

”No, this is my sister” Nick replied. Katie couldn’t believe he had said that, but she just ate her Chicken.

”NICOLE” Brian yelled into the door. Nicole opened her eyes and realized she had fallen asleep in the tub.

”Hold On” Nicole muttered. She got out of the tub/shower and pulled a towel around herself. Brian smiled.

”I was worried you drowned in there” Brian joked.

”Yeah-In a foot of water” Nicole replied. She walked to her suitcase and grabbed a bra and her underwear. She slid it on and walked over to the bed.

”Whatcha watching?” Nicole asked.

”Ace Ventura” Brian replied. Nicole rolled her eyes.

”You should be the next Jim Carrey” Nicole responded. Brian faced her and pressed her on the bed.

”Brian wait-I don’t just want to be a one night stand” Nicole exclaimed. Brian nodded.

”You won’t be” Brian replied.