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All Herbs Can Be Purchased As Tea, Whole Plant, Powder, Cut/Sifted Or Essential Oil. Please Call For A Price Quote!



Agrimony is used in protection spells, and is used to banish negative energies and spirits. It is also used to reverse spells and send them back to the sender. It was believed that placing Agrimony under the head of a sleeping person will cause a deep sleep that will remain until it is removed. Alfalfa


Placed in a small jar and kept in a pantry or cabinet, it protects the home from poverty and hunger. Burn alfalfa and scatter the ashes around the property to protect it. Allspice


Allspice encourages healing, and is used in mixtures to ask for money and good fortune.
Aloe Vera


Growing an aloe vera plant in the kitchen will help prevent burns and mishaps while cooking. It will also prevent household accidents, and guard against evil. Amaranth


Amaranth is used to repair a broken heart. It is also associated with immortality, and is used to decorate images of gods and goddesses. It is sacred to the god Artemis. Woven into a wreath, it is said to render the wearer invisible. Also used in pagan burial ceremonies. Angelica


Grow it in your garden as a protection for garden and home. The root is often used as a protective amulet, and has been used to banish evil by burning the leaves. It is also used to lengthen life, and is used in protection against diseases, as well as to ward off evil spirits. Adding it to a ritual bath will break spells and hexes. It has often been used to ward off evil spirits in the home.


Anise mixed with bay leaves provides an excellent bath additive prior to ritual. Using anise in potpourri around the house wards off evil, and anise in your sleeping pillow at night will chase away the nightmares. The essential oil is used in ritual baths prior to any divination attempts. It is believed that hanging an anise seed head on your bedpost will restore lost youth. Apple


Apple blossoms are used in love and healing incenses. An apple should be given to a lover as a present - you should eat one half, the lover the other. It is given as an offering on Samhain to the dead, since it is a symbol of immortality. Apple wood is used to make magickal wands. Pouring apple cider on the ground in your garden before you plant gives the earth life. Basil


Basil protects from evil and negativity, and aids in attracting and keeping love. It is used for purification baths, and in wealth and prosperity rituals. Carrying a basil leaf in your pocket brings wealth, and if powdered basil is sprinked over your mate while they sleep, it is supposed to eliminate infidelity from your marriage.


The oil of Bayberry will bring prosperity and luck. Bay Laurel


The leaves are burned to enhance psychic powers and to produce visions. Worn in an amulet, it will provide protection from evil and negativity. The leaves are used as decorations during the Yule season, and placed in your window it will protect against lightning striking your house. Write a wish on a bay leaf and then burn it if you want the wish to come true. Sprinkling the crushed leaves in your cupboards will keep out cockroaches and other insect pests. Bergamot


Used in money and success spells and rituals.


An amulet fashioned of the root of Bistort is carried when one wishes to conceive. Sprinkle an infusion of bistort around your home to keep out unwanted visitors of the mischievous variety, such as poltergeists, sprites, etc. Blackberry


Blackberry leaves are used in money spells, as are the berries. Black Cohosh


Black Cohosh leaves laid around a room is said to drive away bugs, and to drive away negativity.
Blessed Thistle


Blessed Thistle is generally found along roadsides and in wastelands. It is an annual, and reaches to 2 feet tall. Most folks consider this a pesky weed, so cultivation is not common. Try gathering some for yourself from the wild, if you dare the stickers - buying commercial is best! Boneset


An infusion sprinked around the house will drive away evil spirits and negativity. Borage


Carrying the fresh blossoms brings courage. The tea will induce your psychic powers.


Used to ward off all sorts of negativity, making it invaluable for protective amulets and sachets. Add to potpourri in the house. Caraway


Carry Caraway in an amulet for protection. Carrying caraway seeds promotes the memory. It can also guard against theft. It is said to promote lust when baked into breads, cookies, or cakes. Cascara Sagrada


Sprinkled around the home before going to court, it will help you to win your case. It is ued in money spells and in repelling evil and hexes.


Use the large leaves, well dried, to mark pages in magickal books. Use in conjunction with rose petals in love sachets. It will also create a psychic bond between you and your cat. Grow near your home to attract luck and good spirits. Cayenne


Cayenne pepper scattered around your house will break bad spells. Adding it to love powders will ensure that your love will be spicy, and can inflame the loved one with passion. Cedar


Cedar chips used in rituals or burnt attracts money, and is also used in purification and healing. It is a symbol of power and longevity. Hung in the home it will protect against lightning. Juniper can be used in place of cedar.


Chamomile is used in prosperity charms to attract money. Added to incense, it will produce a relaxed state for better meditation. Burned alone it will induce sleep. Added to a ritual bath, it will attract love. Sprinkle it around your property to remove curses and bad spells. Chickweed


Chickweed is carried and/or used in spells to attract love and to maintain a relationship.


Burned in incense, cinnamon will promote high spirituality. It is also used to stimulate the passions of the male. It should also be burned in incenses used for healing. The essential oil is used for protection. Clover, Red


Clover brings luck, prsperity, and health. Carrying a three-leaf clover gives you protection. Worn over the right breast it will bring you success in all undertakings. Cloves


Cloves worn in an amulet will drive away negativity and hostility, and stop gossip. It is often carried to stimulate the memory, and can be added to attraction sachets. Clove oil is also worn as an aphrodisiac, and the buds when eaten are said to stir up bodily lusts. It is placed in sachets with mint and rose to chase away melancholy and to help one sleep soundly. Carried, it can also bring comfort to the bereaved and mourning.


Coltsfoot is added to love sachets and is used in spells of peace and tranquility Comfrey


Carrying comfrey during travel will ensure your safety. Put some in your luggage to prevent it being lost or stolen. It will also bring luck to the carrier. Cornflower


Cornflower is used to promote and enhance phsychic sight, as well as normal eyesight.
Cramp Bark




Damiana is used in infusions to incite lust, and is burned to produce visions. Dandelion


It is a sign of rain when the down from a ripened dandelion head falls without wind helping it to do so. To blow the seeds off a ripened head is to carry your thoughts to a loved one, near or far.


Dill is used in love and protection sachets. The dried seed heads hung in the home, over doorways, and above cradles provides protection. Add dill to your bath to make you irresistible to your lover. Dragon's Blood


Added to love incenses and sachets, it increases the potency of other herbs used. A piece of the plant is often used under the mattress as a cure for impotency. It is also used in spells to bring back a loved one. A pinch added to other herbs for magickal purposes will increase their potency. Echinacea


Echinacea is used as an offering to the spirits or gods and goddesses to strengthen a spell or ritual.


The branches of the sacred elder are used to make magickal wands for ritual. Scattering the leaves in the four winds will bring protection. Elderberry wine, made from the berries, is used in rituals. In Denmark, it is believed to be unlucky to have furniture made of elder wood. Grown near your home, elder will offer protection to the dwellers. It is used at weddings to bring good luck to the newlyweds. Flutes made formt he branches are used to bring forth spirits. Elecampane


Add this herb to love charms and amulets of all kinds. Used with mistletoe and vervain, it is especially powerful. Use when scrying for better results. Eucalyptus


Healing energies come from the leaves. A branch or wreath over the bed of a sick person will help spread the healing energies. The oil is added to healing baths, and for purifications.


Eyebright is used to make a simple tea to rub on the eyelids to induce and enhance clairvoyant visions. Fennel


Use for scenting soaps and perfumes to ward off negativity and evil. Grow near the home for the same purpose. Fenugreek


Adding a few fenugreek seeds to the mop water used to clean your household floors will bring money into the household.
Feverfew Feverfew is carried for protection against illnesses involving fever, as well as for preventing accidents. Flax Flax is used to attract money and wealth, and is used in healing spells and rituals. Frankincense Frankincense is burned to raise vibrations, purify, and exorcise. It will aid meditations and visions. The essential oil is used to anoint magickal tools, altars, etc.
Garlic Peeled garlic cloves placed in each room is said to ward off disease. It is hung in new homes to dispel negativity and evil, and (don't laugh!) to ward off vampires. It is a strong protective herb. Place a clove under the pillow of sleeping children to protect them. Ginger Ginger is used in passion spells, to "heat up" the relationship. It is used in success spells, and to ensure the success of spells. Gingko Biloba Gingko is held or carried to help improve the memory. A mild tea prior to bedtime will help to remember dreams during sleep.
Ginseng Ginseng is carried to guard your health and to attract love. It will also ensure sexual potency. Ginseng is an effecitve substitute for mandrake in all spells. Goldenseal Goldenseal is used n properity spells, as well as healing spells and rituals. Gotu Kola Gotu Kola is used in meditation incenses.
Green Tea Used for prosperity rituals, and to honor deities around the world. Hawthorn The leaves are used to make protection sachets. They are also carried to ensure good fishing. In Europe, Hawthorn was used to repel witchcraft spells. Bringing branches of it into the home is supposed to portend death. It is incorporated into spells and rituals for fertility. It will protect the home from damaging storms. Hazel Hazel's forked branches are used for divining, and the wood makes wonderful wands. Hazel nuts hung in the house will bring luck, and can be carried to cause fertility. Eaten, the nuts bring wisdom.
Heather Heather is carried as a guard against rape and violent crime. In potpourri, it adds protection. When burned with fern, it will bring rain. Henbane Henbane is sometimes thrown into the water to bring rain. In olden times, it had many more uses, but is seldom used today due to its poisonous nature. Holly Holly is used as a protective plant, and used as decoration during the Yule season. Planted outside the home, it will also afford protection. Sprinkle holly water on newborn babies to protect them.
Hops Hops is used in healing incenses. Sleep pillows often include hops to induce sleep and pleasant dreams. Horehound Horehound is used in incenses for protection. It is also used in exorcisms. Horseradish Horseradish is part of the Jewish Passover ritual. It also repels evil around the home and property.
Horsetail Whistles made from the stalks of Horsetail are used to call the spirits. Hyssop Hyssop is used in purification baths and rituals, and used to cleanse persons and objects. Ivy Ivy is grown to grow up the ouside of the home to act as a guardian and protector. It is worn by brides to bring luck to the marriage.
Jasmine Jasmine is used in love sachets and incenses. It is used to attract spiritual love. A drop of the essential oil in almond oil, massaged into the skin, is said to overcome frigidity. Carrying, burning, or wearing the flowers attracts wealth and money. If burned in the bedroom, Jasmine will bring prophetic dreams. Juniper Juniper is used to protect from accidents and theft. Grown at your doorstep, it will offer your home protection. It is used in incenses for protection. Kava Kava A tea of kava kava is drunk to offer protection against evil and to invite good luck. Sprinkle the tea around the home and property for the same uses.
Lavendar Lavendar is used in purification baths and rituals. It is used in healing incenses and sachets. Carrying the herb will enable the carrier to see ghosts. The essential oil will heighten sexual desire in men. Lavendar water sprinkled on the head is helpful in keeping your chastity. The flowers are burned to induce sleep, and scattered throughout the home to maintain peaceful harmony within. Carrying lavendar brings strength and courage. Lemon Balm Lemon Balm is used in spells to bring success, and in healing spells. It is often used in spells to find love and friendship. Licorice Licorice root was buried in tombs and caskets to help the soul pass easily into the Summerland. Chewing on a piece of the root will make you passionate. It is added to love sachets, and an ingredient in spells to ensure fidelity.
Lovage Lovage is added to baths to clean the pysychic portion of the mind. Added to baths with rose petals will make you attractive to the opposite sex. Mandrake Mandrake is used in the home as a powerful protection. It is carried to promote conception, and men carry it to promote fertility and cure impotency. Marigold Fresh marigolds in any room heightens the energy within. Placed under the pillow before bed, it induces clairvoyancy. Planted in rows with tomatoes, it will keep pests from them and other vegetables. Planted near the porch/deck, it will keep mosquitoes away. It is also used to attract and see the fairies. Scattered under the bed, they protect during sleep. Add to bath water to win the respect of everyone you meet.
Marjoram Marjoram should be added to all love charms and sachets. A bit in each room will aid in protection of the home. If given to a grieving or depressed person, it will bring them happiness. Meadowsweet Meadowsweet is used in love spells, and blossoms placed in the home will bring peace and tranquility to those who live there. Mugwort Add to divination incenses. It is carried to prevent poisoning and stroke. Fresh leaves rubbed on magickal tools will increase their powers. An infusion made of mugwort is used to cleanse crystals and scrying mirrors. Placed beneath your pillow, or in a dream pillow, it will promote astral travel and good dreams.
Mullein Mullein is worn to give the carrier courage. The leaves are also carried to prevent animal attacks and accidents when in the wilderness. In a sleeping pillow it will guard against nightmares. Use as a substitution in old spells for "grave dust". Myrrh Myrrh is burned to purify and protect. It is used to consecrate and purify ritual tools and objects needing to be blessed. It is a standard magickal herb to be included in the tools of everyone. Myrtle Myrtle is burned as an incense to bring beauty, to honor Diana and to Venus, and is a symbol of glory and happy love. Myrtle tea will make you look beautiful to your loved one. A distillation of the leaves and flowers combined will make a wonderful beauty wash for the face, and is known as "angel water". It is used in spells to keep love alive and exciting. Grow on each side of the house to preserve and protect the love within.
Neem Neem leaves were traditionally strewn on the floor of temples at weddings, to purify and bless the area and the couple, and the air was fanned with neem branches during the ceremony. The bark was burned to make a red ash for religious decoration of the body in adulthood. Neem branches were used to cover the body at death, and the wood used to burn the funeral pyre. Neem is considered to be the Goddess Neemari Devi. Nettle Sprinkle nettle around the room to protect it. It is also burned during ceremonies for exorcism. Stuffed in a poppet and sent back to the sender of a curse or bad spell, it will end the negativity. Nettles gathered before sunrise and fed to cattle is said to drive evil spirits from them. Nutmeg Carried, nutmeg will help with clairvoyancy, and ward off rheumatism. It is included in prosperity mixtures. Nutmegs are carried as good luck charms.
Oak The oak is the most sacred of all the trees. The most powerful mistletoe grows in oaks. The leaves are burned for purification, and the branches make powerful wands. The acorn is a fertility nut. It is carried to promote conception, ease sexual problems, and increase sexual attractiveness. The leaves and bark are used in binding spells. Planting an acorn in the dark of the Moon will bring you money. Oak wood carreid will protect from harm, and hung in the home it will protect the home and all within. Oats Oats are used in prosperity and money spells, and in rituals to the harvest. Onion Has been used as a charm against evil spirits. Halved or quartered onions placed in the home absorb negativity. An onion under your pillow will give you prophetic dreams. Magickal swords and knives are purified by rubbing them with an onion half.
Orange The dried peel is added to love charms. The fresh or dried orange flowers added to the bath makes you attractive. The fruit itself hinders or banishes lust. Orange juice is used in rituals in place of wine. Oregano Oregano is used to help forget and let go of a former loved one, such as a former spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. Burn in incenses or drink the infusion to aid in spells for letting go. Passionflower Passionflower will calm a troubled household when placed inside the home. Spanish missionaries believed the flowers were a symbol of Christ's crucifixion, and the crown of thorns of Christ's passion, giving this plant its name.
Patchouli Patchouli is a powerful oil worn to attract the opposite sex. It is a sensual oil, and it can ward off negativity and evil. It is also burned in incenses to aid divination and clairvoyance. Pennyroyal Pennyroyal placed in a shoe will prevent weariness on long walks and hikes, or journeys. It is also added to protection and exorcism incenses. It aids in making favorable business deals. It is given to arguing couples to cease their fighting and restore harmony in the relationship. Peony Dried Peony roots are carved and/or made into bracelets and necklaces for protection, as well as for breaking spells and curses. Peonies planted outside the home guard against storm damage and demons. A chain of beads cut from the dried root was worn as a protection against illness and injury, and to cure insanity.
Peppermint Peppermint is used in charms to heal the sick, as well as in incenses in the sickroom of the patient. It is burned to cleanse the home, and is used in sleep pillows to aid in getting to sleep. Placed beneath the pillow, it can bring dreams that give a glimpse into the future. The essential oil is used in spells to create a positive change in one's life. Periwinkle Periwinkle can help restore memory when it is gazed at or carried. It is also hung on a door to protect all within, and to prevent a witch from entering a home. Plantain Plantain is hung in the car to guard against evil spirits.
Poppy Poppy seed pods are used in prosperity charms. The seeds are added to food to aid in getting pregnant. To find the answer to a question, write it in blue ink on a piece of white paper. Place the paper inside a poppy seed pod and put it beneath your pillow. The answer will come to you in a dream. Raspberry Raspberry is served as a love-inducing food. The brambles are hung at the entrance to the home to prevent unwanted spirits from entering. Rose Rose water is used in gourmet dishes and in love potions. Petals are used in healing incense and sachets, and burned to provide a restful night's sleep. The essential oil is used in ritual baths to provide peace, love, and harmony within the self. The hips are strung like beads and worn to attract love. Rose petals sprinkled around the home will calm personal stress and upheavals in the home.
Rosemary Rosemary in all of its forms is used for protection and banishment. Rosemary leaves under your pillow do away with evil spirits and bad dreams. It is hung on porches and doors to keep thieves out. Rosemary is grown to attract elves. Rue The herb is used in sachets and amulets to ward off illness. The smell of the fresh, crushed herb will chase away thoughts or envy, egotism, and love gone wrong. Rue leaves placed on the forehead will chase away headacahes. Added to baths, rue drives away spells and hexes placed on you. Rue is said to grow best if it is stolen. Saffron Saffron is used to clean the hands before rituals. It is used in healing mixtures. The essential oil is used to induce clairvoayancy. Thrown into the air, it can bring the winds.
Sage Sage is used in healing amulets, incenses, and sachets, and is also used in the same manner for bringing prosperity. Sage burned at the altar or in sacred space consecrates the area. Burned in the home, it removes impurities and banishes evil, as well as providing protection. St. Johnswort St. Johnswort is hung around the neck to prevent fevers. Wearing the herb aids you in war and other battles, including those of the will and indecision. Burnt it will banish evil and negativity. Hung in the home or carried, it will prevent spells of others from entering, and it is used in exorcisms. If you pick the plant on the night of St. John and hang it on your bedroom wall, you will dream of your future husband. The red juice of the stems was associated with the blood of John the Baptist, hence the plant's name. Sandalwood Sandalwood oil is massaged on the forehead and between the eyes to help center and calm the mind. It is used in healing oils and sachets. It is burned as a purifiying agent in every room of the home, and as a protective agent.
Scullcap Scullcap is used in spells that bring about peace, tranquility, and relaxation. Senna Senna is used in love sachets. Slippery Elm Slippery elm is burned to stop gossip.
Solomon's Seal It is added to protection sachets and incenses. It is also used for exorcisms and cleansing mixtures. Spearmint Spearmint is added to healing incenses and sachets to aid in healing lung diseases and other afflictions. Place some in a sleeping pillow for protection during sleep. Thyme Thyme is burnt to purge and fumigate magickal rooms and spaces, as well as to bring good health. Thyme in a sleeping pillow repels nightmares.
Uva Ursi Add to sachets to increase psychic powers. Valerian Valerian is used to get fighting couples back together, in spells of love, and in purification baths. Vervain Vervain is used for cleansing incenses and baths. Buried in a field, it will make your crops abundant. It is burned to attract wealth, and hung above a bed to prevent nightmares, and above a baby's crib (out of reach!) to offer protection for the little one, and will enable the child to grow up with a love of learning and a happy outlook. Hung in the home it offers protection from negative spells, and is used as a pledge of mutual faith when given to a friend.
Violet Violet in a pillow will help ease headaches away. Carrying the flowers brings a change in luck, and mixed with lavendar makes a powerful love sachet. Vitex Vitex blossoms and branches were strewn in temples during festivals to honor Demeter. Hera is said to have been born under a Vitex tree. Vesta carried twigs of Vitex as symbols of purity. Walnut The nut still in its shell is carried to promote fertility. To discover if a Witch is in your midst, legend has it that you should drop a walnut still in its shell into the lap of the person suspected, and if that person is truly a Witch, they will be unable to rise from a sitting position as long as the walnut is in their laps.
Willow Willow trees are planted near the home as a guard. Its branches have been used for the bindings on a witch's broom, and as healing wands. It is also used to bring the blessings of the moon into your life. Witch Hazel The forked twigs of the Witch Hazel are used for divining. It will help heal a broken heart and cool passions when carried. Wormwood Wormwood is burned to raise your spirits to a higher level, enabling easier divination and clairvoyance. Thrown on the fire at Samhain, it will protect from the spirits that roam that night.
Yarrow Since Yarrow has the ability to keep a couple together for 7 years, it is used in love sachets as well as a gift to give to newlyweds. When worn it wards off negativity, and if held in your hand it repels fear. Yarrow added to the bath protects from harm. Yucca Yucca protects your home from evil influences. It can be used to make a soap and/or shampoo that is used to cleanse the body prior to rituals. The Navajo use it to cleanse and purify, as do the Hopi.