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<P><B>5/22/06</b>: Our postcard campaign has begun! Today and throughout this week we are mailing postcards to classmates who haven't responded to email, classmates who don't have email, and to parents of classmates we can't find! Help us to find you or your friends by updating your contact info today! 

<P><B>4/9/06</b>: The class of '96 is on MySpace.com! Visit us on <a href=http://www.myspace.com/verona1996>MySpace</a>

<P><B>4/4/06</B>: We are taking reunion planning volunteers! If you'd like to volunteer to help, <a href=mailto:verona1996@yahoo.com>email</a> us! Here's a <a href=http://www.angelfire.com/wi2/verona1996/reunioncommittee.html>list</a> of what we need help with. See who else has RSVP'd and who is missing by clicking <a href=http://www.angelfire.com/wi2/verona1996/rsvp.html>here</a>.

<P><B>2/13/06</B>: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The class reunion has been scheduled for <B>Saturday, July, 29, 2006</B>! Meet us at <a
href=http://www.christyslanding.net/>Christy's Landing</a> on Lake Waubesa in Madison for drinks and appetizers! Check back later for info on the start time, remittance directions, etc. We're sending out evites over the course of this week and next. If you have not received an evite, <a
href=http://www.evite.com/app/publicUrl/verona1996@yahoo.com/reunion>click here</a>! Also, we're thinking about putting together a golf outing and/or potluck picnic during the weekend of the 29th, so check back for the details. We'd like to extend an invitation to some of our old teachers and coaches, if you have anyone you'd like us to invite feel free to <a href=mailto:verona1996@yahoo.com>email</a> their name(s)! 

<p><b>1/17/06</b>: We are hoping to announce a date in February!

<p><b>12/18/05</b>: We are considering Saturday, July 22, 2006, Saturday, July 29, 2006 and Saturday, August 5, 2006 for possible reunion dates. So far several classmates have expressed interest in either a night out at the
<a href="http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?address=1010%20Enterprise%20Dr&city=Verona&state=WI&zipcode=53593%2d2017&country=US&title=%3cb%3e1010%20Enterprise%20Dr%3c%2fb%3e%3cbr%20%2f%3e%20Verona%2c%20WI%2053593%2d2017%2c%20%20US&cid=lfmaplink2&name=">Drafthouse</a>
in Verona or a <a
href=http://www.mallardsbaseball.com/current/">Mallards game</a>. We are still taking reunion ideas, so <a href=mailto:verona1996@yahoo.com>email</a> any thoughts or ideas you'd like to share!

<p><b>9/13/05</b>: We have some good reunion ideas and are working on a couple venues to see if we can afford them and if we can secure a date. Also, keep the emails coming with updated contact information - that helps SO MUCH!! We won't have a date until early 2006, but the goal is to shoot for late July or early August.

<p><b>6/28/05</b>: I'm impressed. We already had about 40 responses to the email and the web site has had well over 100 hits! Thank you to everyone who forwarded the email on to friends for me. Right now we are still collecting contact information, but I will keep updating this site as we make progress. Happy 4th of July!

<p><b>6/13/05</b>: The general interest email went out today. Here's a <A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/wi2/verona1996/email.html">copy</A>. I sent this out to exactly 96 of our classmates! (Hopefully most of the addresses will work!)

<p><b>JUNE 05 UPDATE</b>: A reminder/general interest email will be going out shortly. Let me know what your current email address is, so I can keep you in the loop. Does anyone want to invite favorite teachers or classmates who moved before graduation? If so <a href=mailto:verona1996@yahoo.com>email</a> their name(s) and I'll try to find them!
