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Before you cast a spell for beauty but remember, beauty is in the inside.


This Spell is to make you look more attractive from the face.

This spell should be only cast on a Friday during the New Moon,On the New or Full Moon.

Materials: A large seven day candle, four small votice candles, rose quartz, rose oil, a rose scented soap, four pink roses, one votive red candle and a picture of you.

Give yourself a shower with the rose scented soap before you cast this spell. Imagine that with the soap your skin looks great. After this you may cast the spell.

On each of the four directions place a pink votive candle and a pink rose. Pour some of the rose oil on each candle.Light them up.

In the Circle call upon venus to attend you and give you more beauty.Say the following:

Beautiful Venus attend me now, Let your beauty shine on me, Let everyone includin me, see that I'm as beautiful as I can be, Nice full lips,Nice smooth skin, North,South,East and West I call upon you, To make me look my best! Blessed Be!

On the Large seven day candle pour the rose oil, under candle place your picture.Light the candle as you do imagine a white light going from the candle into you. Imagine that the light is making you look the way you want to look. When you are well focused say the calling/spell form above. Hold the rose quartz and imagine taking the beauty of the white light into you.Now light the red votice candle and place your picture under it. Say the following:

I will look better,

I will attract more people,

Transform me now and give me beauty.

Once you have done all this blow out all the candles except the seven day candle and let the candle burn out. You should star to see results in about thirty days. If not repeat the spell.


This spell will help you loose weight.

Materials: A white body candle, four votive candles, a picuture of you and myrrh oil.

You must cast this spell after the Full Moon on a Saturday night.

Cast the Circle and Call the Corners, Place a white votive candle on each direction. Place the picture underneath the body candle, on the body candle write your Name and Birthdate. Pour the myrrh oil on all the votive candles then on the body candle. Repeat the following spell:

Skinny I will be,

Without getting any disease,

I will loose weight,

I will look great,

I ____________, will be skinny.

With harm to none Blessed be!

Imagine yourself skinny and picture yourself to be healthy.Concentrate on the spell until all the candles have burnt out on their own. You should start loosing those "cravings" of yours.


This spell will make you be more attractive physically! From head to toe! Cast this spell on a Friday on the New Moon.

Materials:One pink body candle (Male or Female, depending what you are), Rose oil, A picture of yourself, a cutout from a magazine or something of whom you want to look like or the body part that you would like to change, and a needle.

Cast the Circle, Call the Corners , Invoke Venus by saying:

I call upon you Venus,

To make me beautiful from heat to toe,

Transform my body so It may look like this.(Lay the picture in the middle of the circle)

Write your name under the pink body candle. Pour the Oil on top of the candle. Place your picture underneath the candle and say the following:

I will look good,

I will change soon,

Venus, make me beautiful,

Change/ Make me look like________________________.

North, South, East and West,

I will look my best.

Blessed Be!

Picture your body changing to the way you would like it to be. If you chose to look like someone that will only give the illusion that you may look like someone. If you chose you change a part of your body, surprisingly enough it will happen!

More Spells to Come!
