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Before you cast a spell please read this.

The Circle is a place of power, a gate to the other world. I usually cast the circle when I want the God/Goddess to attend me. The Circle gives your magical workings great power.

You may draw a circle on the ground or you may put a candle in each direction as I do. I also place the tools where they belong. I place a Pentacle to represent North, a Wand to represent South, a Dagger to represent East, and a Chalice to represent West. For extra power I also place the elements in each direction. For North I place soil, for South I place a red candle lit up, for East I place the incense I need, for West I fill the Chalice with water. After I have done all this I call the Quarters.I stand on the North direction first and say "Hail to the Lord of the Watchtowers of the North Attend me!" I continue to do this clockwise.Just replace North with whatever direction you are in. As I finish doing this I start to Invoke the God/Goddess that I'm asking to attend me. So that my spells will be powerful. It is important that when you do this Do not step out of the Circle while casting a spell. Blow out the candles(the ones you put in each direction) when you are ready to step out of the circle.