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Sorry you had to come here, I hope you or the person your helping feels well soon.


This spell is to get you back into good health.

Cast this spell on a Saturday night, After the Full Moon.

Materials:One white body candle (If you cant find one you can use a large sevend day candle),Four white votive candles, Myrrh oil, a picture of you or the person your helping, a clear quartz.

Place a white votive candle in each direction, pour the myrrh oil on them , then light them up. Cast the Circle and Call the Corners. Call upon Goddess Cura by saying the following:

"Goddess Cura,

Attend me,

I need my health,

I need to be strong,

I call upon you now,

Attend me."

On the white body candle/seven day candle, write your Name and Birthdate. Place the picture under the body candle/seven day candle, pour the myrrh oil and say the follwing:

"I heal myself/__________.

I/she/he will be healthy,

I/she/he will be strong,

Goddess Diana and Goddess Cura are helping,

I need all the help I can get,

Goddess Diana and Goddess Cura help me,

Make me/her/him feel better and make me feel strong,

Banish all negativity away from me/her/him,

Remove the sickness/illness from me/her/him.

I/she/he will be healthy,

I/she/he will be strong,

Goddess Diana and Cura,

Help Me.

Blessed Be!
