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Got a wish huh? Try these amazing wish spells!


This is a very successful spell. Cast this spell on a Wednesday on the full moon.

Materials: One seven day blue candle, Four blue votive candles, a needle, Sandlewood incense, Sandlewood oil, A baby blue piece of paper, a blue pen, A blue box (If you dont cant find one use construction paper to cover the box, and a blue ribbon.

Place a lit votive candle in each direction of the circe North, South, East, and West. Cast the Circle and Call the Corners, Call upon Tara by lighting up the sandlewood insence and saying out loud the following:

Goddess Tara,

I call upon you now,

Enter this center and grant me this wish,

Goddess Tara,

I call upon you now,

With harm to none,

Grant me this wish.

Blessed Be!

On the seven day candle, inscribe your wish with the needle on the top around the wick. Then on the baby blue piece of paper write your Name, Last name, and Birthdate, write your wish and why you need this wish to be granted.

Fold the piece of paper in half and put it under the seven day candle. Pour the sandlewood insence on the seven day candle and light it up. Now say the following:


Need a wish to be granted.

Please grant me this wish for the following reasons_____________________.

I really want,

I really need,

This wish to be granted,

With the energy of North, South, East, and West,

My Wish Spell will work as it's best

Goddess Tara,

Goddess Diana,

I call upon you for help,

Make my wish come true,

With harm to none.

Blessed Be!

Let the seven day candle burn out on it's own. Once it does, place the piece of paper inside the blue box, around the box wrap around the blue ribbon, place the box under your bed or in your closet but don't disturb it.Your wish will come true just give it time, and always think positive, If you cast this spell "to see" if it works, It wont. Because your thinking negative, you still think it may not work. So why bother casting the spell if you don't believe in it. If for some reason you want to stop the wish from comming true burn the piece of paper.


Cast this spell on a Wednesday night at 8:00 P.M. during the New Moon or on the Full Moon.

Materials: One sevend day blue candle, Four blue votive candles, A piece of paper, Two silver candles, A blue pen, Four Dandelions, Sandlewood insence, and Power oil.

Cast the Circle and Call the Corners ,raising your hands say the following:

"Beloved Goddess Diana,

Attend me now,

Let your light shine on me,

Grant me this wish,

With harm to none,

Blessed Be!"

Invoke Tara and say the following:

"Tara attend me now,

Let your light shine on me,

I wish___________________________

With harm to none,

Blessed Be!

Place a lit votive candle in each direction. Pour the Power oil on each candle and light them up in the following order North, South, East, and West. Light the insence and let it burn out. Crush the Dandelions and put them inside the seven day candle along with the power oil, then light the candle.

On the piece of paper (recycled would be best) Write a poem to the Goddess Diana and Tara stating your wish. Fold the piece of paper in half and draw a tripple Goddess sign on the outside )0( . Fold the piece of paper in half again and draw a pentacle on the outside. Flip the paper over and write your name and birthdate. Put the piece of paper in a safe place. Light the silver candles and let teh candles burn along with the other candles. Your wish will come true in due time. If for anay reason you dont want your wish to cme true, burn the piece of paper. More spells to come!
