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Im Hyperactive! Get me out of here!

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Welcome to PoPstars 2003--Hosted by SourUP, UK and Ireland.
Email PoPstars: popstars_birmingham@hotmail.com or Telephone 07092-347-927 and speak to a customer service representative

The site is under maintenance
We shall be online in 100 hours!
Thankyou for waiting!

Coming soon:
  • Daniel Dalley
  • Michael Bevington
  • Jason Pearce
  • Jason Kershaw
  • Gemma Green

  • ...will be travelling far far away to a new world! A mucky jungle! What will become of these people! Find out soon!

    NEW Information
    Hiya, Im Rebecca Stone. Michael Bevington will be the first to enter camp at 6pm in the evening. Daniel Dalley to join at 7pm, Jason Pearce at 8pm and Jason and Gemma at 9pm! I want u all in bed by 11pm as it is going to be a very hard and long day for you as there is lots to do and lots to explore!

    There are various challeneges for the 5some to do and with Pearce Swearing all the time, Daniel and Michael having name calling battles and Kershaw being Kershaw i can see this being a great video when the whole thing is finished! So what are u waiting for? Look forward to what will be a great fun week! (EXCEPT for the people taking part of course) MUHAHAHAHA!

    Made By PoPstars 2003 of SourUP!
    All Rights Reserved
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