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ANCFL Fantasy Football League, Own Your Own Team!!

This website is about an imaginary football team that I created called the ANCFL. (Imaginarily speaking....) It has a history dating back to 1958, and its history keeps building year after year. The main reason for this webpage is to advertise my new "Own your own fantasy football league team from the ANCFL" season league. Anybody can enter and be a part of it. Simply go to the page and sign up, after reading the explanation. By doing this, you will be able to choose a team and control the team throughout the season. To choose a team from the selection, use the map above, or go to visit the neatly organized All Teams Page. My goal is to have 10 subscribers before I start the season. It is absolutely free! You will be provided with more information on the page link above. Have fun and lets build this into a mega-page!!!

ANCFL has three different conferences:

Links Around My Website

All 44 ANCFL Teams and their Histories
Own your own ANCFL Fantasy League Football Team!!!
2005 ANCFL Stats
2005 ANCFL Standings
My new Website! Get weather updates for your city...
