Welcome to Ms. Stompanato's Classroom Webpage
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Classroom Rules
Work quietly. Do not disturb others who are working.
When the teacher is talking, be quiet and listen.
Raise your hand, and wait to be called on before speaking
Respect others. Treat them with kindness in words and actions.
No hitting, kicking or touching others with your feet, hands or any other
Always walk in the classroom and halls.
A reminder for parents regarding absences and tardiness:
It is very important that your child be on time and present in class each day. If your child comes in late he/she will miss important instructions for the day’s activities.
If your child is absent or tardy, send a doctor’s excuse or a parent note with him/her upon returning to school stating the date and reason for the absence or tardy. Please note the district’s policy concerning the number of absences excused by parent note.
Please check the link to our classroom schedule if you must schedule appointments during school time. Remember that early dismissal or dismissal and return to school will count as a tardy on your child’s attendance record.