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The E-Board

Meet our WOUNDERFUL GSA E-Board...


Office hours:
Send e-mails to!

Full Name:
Year: Senior
Major: Journalism, Spanish Literature
Favorite Color of the Rainbow Flag:Green
Favorite LGBT Movie:Camp
Favorite Quote: “If you are not personally free to be yourself in the most important of all human activities--the expression of love--then life itself loses meaning." Harvey Milk

Vice President

Office Hours:

Full Name:
Year: Junior
Age: 20
Major: Mathematics
Favorite Color of the Rainbow Flag:Red
Favorite LGBT Movie:“If These Walls Could Talk 2”
Favorite Quote: “I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” Helen Keller


Office Hours:

Full Name:
Year: Junior
Age: 20
Major: accounting/international business...french minor
Favorite Color of the Rainbow Flag: red
Favorite LGBT Movie: Come Undone
Favorite Quote: "Nothing I say ever gets quoted" --Me

Special Events Coordinator

Office Hours:


Full Name:
Year: Senior
Age: 21
Major: Psychology
Favorite Color of the Rainbow Flag: Green
Favorite LGBT Movie: The Trip...its is such a cute gay romance movie.
Favorite Quote: "If we speak up and nobody listens, then we have lost nothing, but if somebody does listen, then we have gained something."


Office Hours:

Full Name:
Favorite Color of the Rainbow Flag:
Favorite LGBT Movie:
Favorite Quote:

Get in contact with the e-board.

Send e-mail to:

Or call the during their office hours (or leave a message)
at (414) 288-1548
(or 8-1548 for on-campus students)

Or meet them during their office hours.
The GSA Office is located in the AMU Student
Organization Commons Room 137C.
(Right across from the Brew)

Or send mail to:
LEAD Center Rm 140
Box 90
POBox 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881