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GSA Information

Marquette GSA

This where we will post an outline on what
happened at the last (or each) meeting.
This will keep you informed in what is going on in the
GSA if you can not make it to the meetings.

Remember: We want to hear your ideas as often as possible.

Hope to see you at the meetings

Have a Great Summer

That it for the 2003-2004 year
Everyone have a safe and fun Summer and come
back for next the 2004-2005 year

GLOW stands for Gay Lesbian Or Whatever Days.
This is when the GSA goes to LGBT firendly and/or
owned companies in milwaukee in order to help
find safe places for those who are under 21.

Our next GLOW Day is:
We have the Summer to plan it so be patient

Date TBA

The GSA one TWO Awards for Ecducational Program of the Year.
The Shower of Stoles is the prgram that won.
Also our former president Michael Maloney won Officer
of the Year. Congrats to Michael and all those who helped
with the Shower of Stoles.

The GSA will be at PrideFest. This GLBT extrovaganza will
be happening on June 5th and June 6th. So come
on down and check out our booth and get some free stuff
We are looking for members to help man the booth
so if you can spare 2 hours to sit and give out info,
please let us know

Non-Discrimination Policy
Last semester the GSA worked at getting Marquette
University's non-dicrimination clause changed to
include sexual orientaion. We are glad to
announce that the policy has been changed this May!!!

Checkout the article from the Marquette Tribunes article:
University changes clause

For Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Questioning students
looking for help, join the GLB support group.
Contact Fr. Patrick by e-mail. Find out more at info about the group and useful articles at: