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The Gay/Straight Alliance
Marquette University

Mission Statement

The purpose of this organization shall be to foster a sense of community
among those students who understand themselves to be gay, lesbian,
bisexual, or allies. An allied member is any person, regardless of their
sexual orientation, who supports homosexuals and the purpose statement.
This organization offers a group, which allows allies to join in the education
of others. The organization will seek to promote understanding of the
issues facing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and allied students on this campus. In
addition, the group will provide educational programming that seeks to
encourage a positive climate of acceptance for all students, regardless of
sexual orientation. Then it will endeavor to establish a network of both
faculty and student supporters on campus, which will design, develop, and
sponsor educational outreach programs including speakers, educational
events, and socials, furthering the understanding and compassion that gay,
lesbian, and bisexual individuals need in a contemporary society.
Underlying out purpose is the statement on Human Dignity and Diversity
for Marquette University, which states, "As a Catholic, Jesuit university,
Marquette recognizes and cherishes the dignity of each individual
regardless of age, culture, faith, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation,
language, disability, or social class." Together, members of the
Gay/Straight Alliance of Marquette University can establish an environment,
which is conductive for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and allied students to be and
integral part of the Marquette campus.