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Neighbours Girls

                     Daphne-Lawrence- Clarke_ Elaine Smith-1985-1988
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Mike Daphne Des




Jim Daphne Des


Daphne & Shane


On her wedding day


With  Granddad- Harry Henderson


Occupation: Stripper, Coffee Shop owner.
Lived at: Number 28 & Number 22

                                          Date of death 28 March 1988 Died of cardiac arrest after waking from coma caused by car crash

Related to: Father
Allen  Lawrence Mother Tina Bentley Tina Bentley _ Beverley Dunn-1987 ,  married to Des Clarke July 1986 , mother of Jamie Clarke.
Also: Eileen Clarke, Malcolm Clarke, Sally Wells.
Love interest: Des Clarke & Shane Ramsay.
Most notable moment: Going into labour with Jamie at a riverside picnic.

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