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Neighbours Girls

Debbie Martin

Debbie Martin = Mandy Storvik (1985) & Marnie Reece - Wilmore 1992-1994, 1996-1997

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DEBBIE MARTIN Marnie Reece-Wilmore-phone

Debbie Martin _ Mandy Storvik-1985

Mandy Storvik-1985

  DEBBIE her dad & Helen

Her dad Philip Martin Christopher Milne, Ian Rawlings-1992-1999 & Helen Daniels Anne Haddy-1985-1997

  DEBBIE MARTIN Marnie Reece-Wilmore  
  Debbie asks Toadie

Jarrod -Toadfish- Rebecchi Ryan Moloney-1996... As he looked when he first came on.


Debbie wasn't one of Neighbours' glamour girls, she was just the ordinary girl next door who only did well at school because she worked so hard. However, that didn't stop her dating the dishiest boy in the neighbourhood, Rick Alessi.

When Rick won a competition to see Michael Jackson perform in London, Debbie's great-grandmother Helen sneaked her out of the country to enjoy the trip of a lifetime. After Rick, though, Debbie had a harder time with men and when Macca turned her down she became obsessive about her appearance and started dieting.

But her self-loathing ran deeper than puppy fat and she became bulimic. Despite the efforts of family and friends to restore her to health, Debbie had to be sent to a residential home for treatment. When she returned to Ramsay Street she had missed out on so much schooling she felt like a dunce. And when her step mum Julie died, Debbie had never felt less at home in Ramsay Street, so she went to live with her great aunt Rosemary in America.

Clip 1011 k Your Husband  0:16

Home / Up Dee [Dione] Bliss Madeleine West-2000-2003