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Neighbours Girls


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Melissa Bell 1991-1995

Lucy Robinson Sasha Close1987-1990


 Kylie Finkler   1985-1987

Lived at: Number 26
Related to: Daughter of Jim Robinson, sister of Paul, Julie and Scott Robinson. Granddaughter of Helen Daniels. Half-sister of Glen Donnelly.
Also: Hilary Robinson, Matt Robinson, Beverly Robinson, Rosemary Daniels, Helen Daniels.
Love interest: Glen Donelly, Brad Willis, David Kazalian.
Most notable moments: Receiving emergency surgery from Clive on the dining table at Number 26. Being almost deafened by Zoe while making a prank call. Being temporarily blinded after falling down a well. Being diagnosed with a brain tumour and becoming an alcoholic.
Fact: In an attempt to make Neighbours appeal to all ages, Reg Watson included nine-year-old Lucy. She was packed off to boarding school at the age of eleven and returned a completely different person (well actress). It was only when she was re-cast for a third time (and played by Melissa Bell) that Lucy became a central character as a teenager.


Best known for her roles in E Street, Neighbours and Paradise Beach, Melissa has since taken on the role of mum to her three adorable children, Dillon (7), Jonathon (4) and Isabella (8 months) and step-mum to her husband's two teenage daughters.

Besides looking after her Brady Bunch brood, Melissa also owns two clothing stores on the Central Coast which she and her husband manage together. Between trips to Sydney and long days on the shop floor there's not much time to relax. It's a job that keeps her run off her feet, however not one that allows much time for keeping fit, eating right and shedding those last few baby pounds. She describes meal times as chaotic and often finds herself preparing three or four different meals for the kids before even thinking about what she's going to eat. So meals are always on the run and whatever she can grab. There is rarely time for breakfast; instead she'll opt for a coffee to keep her going. On an average day she says she might drink three or four cups to get her through.

She says at 31 she's a little "rounder" and a little bigger than fans would remember of her in her Neighbours days. She says it can be awkward because people forget she's gone from being a teenager to a mother now in her 30s. "Of course I'm going to look a bit different!" Like most women she says she's experienced yo-yo dieting and has tried just about every fad diet around.

Melissa hopes that by being part of the show she'll learn some really sensible eating habits and find a way of fitting regular exercise into her hectic lifestyle. She's also desperately looking forward to some time on her own where she can be completely selfish and think of no one but herself. The big question is will Celebrity Overhaul be a relaxing time for Melissa to chill or more hectic than being a mother to three?

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