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Neighbours Girls

 Year of Birth 1959 Western Australia

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Occupation: Physiotherapist

Residence:26, 32 Ramsay Street Characters age: 37 years old

Related to: Bill Hails (wife), Anne,
Lance Wilkinson & Ben Atkins (mom)

Love interests: Justin Blake, Billy Kennedy, Ben Atkins, James Bowen, Drew Kirk, Joel Samuels, Vincenzo Coletti, Fanto

Marital Status: Bill Hails (Divorced), Philip Martin

Ruth came to Ramsay Street as Helen Daniels physio following her last stroke. Ruth took and instant dislike to Philip Martin, Philip felt the same way. This hate soon turned into something else. Ruth and Phil came around to each other and fell hopelessly in love.
Soon, Ruth moved into Angie Rebechhi's old house and with her came her son Lance, and soon afterwards, her daughter Anne. Her relationship with Phil grew stronger as he helped her win her battle for her car from her ex-husband and took her and the kids on a weekend camping trip.
Ruth was a qualified physiotherapy and brought her customers with her to Ramsey street. She later on moved in with Karl at the surgery when the storage room was cleared out for another doctor. Ruth fitted into the street nicely getting along with Susan and Philip really well.

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