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Raven's Crap
Burgundy Drape Bckground Set






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Welcome to My First Endeavor
Well Not Really My First,I have plenty of websites roaming about
but this one means more to me,because I actually paid for it LoL
So I am going to do my best to make it look good

What I Will be offering here is basically my incredimail stats
and some tubes that were made by a friend
**Note Nothing here was intended to infringe on any artist's copyrights
I Make stats because I love creating
I may not be good as most,but I'm happy with what i accomplished
I have or had no intentions of harming any artists or their works
working with paint shop pro,has been a hobby
creating helps ease the tension in my life
So please understand that no malice was intended in anything I have worked on**

So I hope you enjoy what I have to offer here


Note~All The Backgrounds Used Here Are Linkware
So Please Do Not Snatch The BackGrounds
Please Do Visit The Provided Links
Thank You Kindly *Kisses*

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