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Hall of Fame

Many bowlers stop and ask me how they can get into the Hall of Fame. There are two ways to be nominated for the Hall of Fame in either the men's or women's divisions. The first way is to excell on the lanes. If you are just starting out or bowling in the mid range and your goal is to enter the Hall of Fame, then I would suggest taking some of the coaching classes that are available. Bowling more often usually helps a person become better at the sport and enter tournaments. The second way is to become involved in one of the associations. They are always looking for willing helpers to work behind the scenes. There are even some bowlers that earned the right without ever being an officer or director of the board but were extremely active in their leagues or by offering their services to the associations.

Being inducted into the Hall of Fame is a great honor and a worthy goal. All of the current inductees have spent a lot of time either perfecting their game or serving the local bowlers. If this is your goal, now is the time to become active!

Interesting Sites

Hall of Fame Honor Roll