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PERSONNEL FILE: Sisko, Benjamin
Full Name: Benjamin Lafayette Sisko
Year of birth: 2332
Place of birth: New Orleans, Earth
Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sisko (update: it has been learned that Sisko was born to Sarah, Joseph's first wife [d. 2336], but only knew his stepmother)
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2350-54
Marital status: (at time of disappearance) married to Kasidy Yates 2375; previously married to Jennifer Sisko (d. 2367)
Children: One son, Jake, born 2355; wife pregnant with second child as of 2375
Current status: MISSING IN ACTION, 2375 (last known whereabouts: Bajor)
Final rank: Captain
Final assignment: Commanding officer, Deep Space Nine, U.S.S. Defiant

**Includes summary updates through SD 52999 (2375); updated addenda pending

Starfleet Career Summary

Prior – Assigned to U.S.S. Livingston and, under Capt. Leyton, promoted to lieutenant commander and first officer of U.S.S. Okinawa.

2367 – As lieutenant commander and first officer of U.S.S. Saratoga, survived ship's loss against Borg at Battle of Wolf 359; assigned to Utopia Planetia Shipyards on Mars and oversaw development of Defiant-class warship, which was later mothballed.

2369 – Led Starfleet contingent on Bajoran-owned Deep Space Nine; helped discover Bajoran wormhole, made first contact with its builders, the nonlinear "Prophets."

2370 – Made first contact with the Jem'Hadar and Dominion in Gamma Quadrant.

2371 – Given command of experimental U.S.S. Defiant to beef up DS9 defenses; later promoted to captain.

2372 – Temporary assignment, Chief of Starfleet Security on Earth.

2373 – Caused postponement of Bajoran admission into UFP based on visions he claimed to receive from "Prophet" aliens; forged Federation-Klingon alliance to fight Dominion; deployed minefield at wormhole to prevent incursion of Dominion reinforcements; subsequently led evacuation of Starfleet personnel from DS9 while under Dominion attack, allowing control of station to revert back to Cardassian leadership; commanded Defiant during several months of front-line fighting.

2374 – Promoted to Admiral William Ross' strategy adjutant after successful infiltration mission in Dominion space; led task force to recapture Deep Space Nine and prevented passage of Dominion reinforcements through wormhole, apparently due to his relationship with "Prophets"; involved in persuading Romulan Empire to join Alliance; awarded Christopher Pike Medal of Valor by Adm. Ross; led invasion force to liberate Chin'toka System from Dominion; took indefinite leave of absence to mourn death of Jadzia Dax and for personal reflection.

2375 – Returned to duty on Deep Space Nine after three-month leave; commanded Defiant in Chin'toka battle against Breen, but forced to abandon ship upon its destruction; assigned command of U.S.S. Sao Paulo, subsequently renamed Defiant; with Adm. Ross and Chancellor Martok, led offensive against Cardassia which ultimately effected surrender of Dominion and end of war; last seen travelling alone to Bajor reportedly to "fulfill his destiny" — abandoned runabout was found in orbit over Bajor, but body was never located. (Wife reported being contacted by Sisko in a vision, claiming he had "joined the Prophets" and would return at some unknown time.)