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Greensboro NC from Iluvibt. Pics added soon

Dixie Chicks in Greensboro, NC. I'm going to start from the beginning to the end- you can modify as deemed necessary-. As we arrived @ Greensboro Coliseum Saturday May 17, 2003, it was VERY cold for this time of year in NC. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot- we had to pay $10.00 to park of course. There were signs all over the parking lot & booths saying no cameras allowed, but more about that later. As we pulled thru the lot @ 6:00 for the 8:00 show, we saw lots of tailgate parties going on- but again it was a cold and dreary day. I'm sure more parties would have been going on, had it been normal weather. Ok, so now we walked up to coliseum, again more signs saying no cameras- ( I had my digital & 35mm with me). We walked thru one set of security who checked our bags-camera passed. Next we entered another line, and this was where we had to get "wanded" for metal objects. They checked both of my cameras, and they passed ok. Note here- regardless of signs, try taking cameras in- no don't sneak them in, but most venues are ok with cameras, regardless of what is posted on signs. Now as we were walking in, I was a little surprised that more people weren't there early like us. But nevertheless, we walked in and were shown our seats. I had 3 tickets, all on the outside isle. My tickets were as follows- 1 on row 4, row 6, and row 12. I was shocked at how great the tickets were, and how close to the stage they were. Even the last row seats- which was row 14 in NC, wasn't a bad seat at all. The Kids coming in with there parents- pure gave me chills!! These kids were screaming, jumping, and just so excited when they saw how close they were to the stage. I love seeing happy kids. One note here- Alcohol WAS served at the NC venue- of which I strongly OBJECTED to. I'm not a drinker, and for all the kids sake that were there, and for the sake of enjoying the chicks for their music, I wish the wouldn't serve alcohol at ANY venue where kids are gonna be there. Sorry, I just had to say that, and give an honest opinion/review here. The big screen TV's were HUGE, and they were showing videos- by CMT I think. They were showing a mix of videos from ABBA's "Dancing Queen" to Avril Lavigne's "Complicated". The Video's were great. Around 7:55 the lights went down- everyone was screaming. If someone hadn't told me, I wouldn't have know who was singing (it was Joan Osborn). Her band, for one thing, was drowning her voice out. No one could understand what she was saying. If you read other post on Dixie Chicks web site, everyone is saying the same thing. Were not bashing Joan, we just couldn't hear her. She sang 4 songs, and I still didn't know who she was. Then, on her 5th song- she sang the one everyone knew "what if God was one of us". It was an OK, song, but not one that gets you pumped for the show. I'm used to an opening act, pumping things up, this was not the case for Joan, although she did admit during her act "Were not a Country Band". I thought that was great for her to say, as we all knew where she was coming from then. After Joan was finished, the house lights came back on, videos started playing, and we were getting ready for our chicks. Next, this got more folks pumped up than anything--- the song being played, while we were waiting for the chicks was "Born in the USA". This brought EVERYONE to their feet with screams!!! What a great choice of a song. This pumped everyone up. I think everyone was waiting to be pumped up, and this was the thing to do it. As for Joan, her music is Ok if your into her, but its not music that pumps you up for a chick like concert. Now, as the stage was getting ready for the chicks, I kept looking for the "BOX". Some of you may know what this is, but for those of you who don't, well-- I wont spoil it. I did get a picture of the "BOX"- or I should say "BOXES". When I saw the "BOXES", I couldn't resist-- I had to tell this couple beside me what it was all about. They were like "No way". We all laughed, and I took some pictures of the "BOXES". Ok, enough about the boxes- you'll see when you get there. Next came the Chicken coop girls!! Eye candy for the guys-- what more can I say! The coop girls, got to stay down front, beside stage all night. What a great place to be!!! Now, when the chicks came out- WOW--- how can I describe this in words? I CANT! It was AWESOME! Goodbye Earl was-- was---- well-- INCREDIBLE. The chicks looked great, and really did a workout working the stage. They traveled the entire stage all night. White trash wedding brought the house down again!!!! For those who don't have floor seats as I did, dot worry-- your seats should be just fine. During traveling soldier, the chicks walked to the other side of stage from where I was at, so if it hadn't been for the TV screens, I wouldn't have seen the chicks at all. Floor seats were at a disadvantage from that point-as I couldn't see the chicks "LIVE" to sing my favorite song. I wouldn't have traded my Floor seats though, but did want to let all know, that higher seats do had its advantages. The rest of the evening, was History in the making for me. I'll NEVER forget this concert. Chicks were awesome. Hope you don't have to wait to long before you see them. Have fun- Chicks ROCKED NC, like the Hurricanes (thats our Hockey team name here in NC)!!!
