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Cliff Richard

He is another superstar who deserves his status, the first time i met him was our first time on top of the pops. In the 1970's we would record the show on thursday,

the format was at about 9am everybody on the show would goto the studio to check camera angles, then later in the day, we would go back and recheck the cameras and lights and in the late afternoon, a full dress rehersal with the orchestra, Then later at about 7pm we did the show properly.

The first time we did top of the pops we got a call at about 11am asking us if we would like to do the show that day. so off we went to london, but we didnt get to the studion until about 5:30pm and all the rehersals had finished so they put us on stage and told me to sing with the orchestra,

i didnt know what was going on, it was my first time and everything was happening so fast, then when i looked at the side of the stage there was stood cliff and lulu watching me, and cliff shouted go on, you'll be ok and lulu gave me the thumbs up.

so i started singing and everything went great. as we were leaving the studio to goto our dressing room, cliff came over and opened the door for me and said, "everything will be fine" what a gent.
