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News Archive

Screenshots!- Friday, August 30, 2002 - 10:46 pm | GIJOE
Two screenshots have been added in the Screenshots page! Go ahead and check them out :). I have added another screenshot of the game and I also added a screenshot of the new game menu! So what are you waiting for go ahead and check them out!

Another Adress- Monday, August 26, 2002 - 9:30 pm | GIJOE
I have another web adress that goes to this website now. The other link is I also have another email and it is If you want to try one of those you can. Some people prefer and some prefer Which ever is easier to type for you and easier to remmember. Well just put it in your favorites if you dont want to type it eh. Now you know it.

Game Release- Monday, August 26, 2002 - 6:14 pm | GIJOE
Some people have been asking about the WWIII game on when it will be released. The game itself is about 25% done right now :). Alot more things will be added before the real version comes out. I will be releasing a Beta version of the game probably later on next month. Since school starts next month the game itself will be worked on less than it had been worked on over this summer. Dont worry things will still be worked on and I will keep you updated on this.

Back :)- Friday, August 23, 2002 - 12:08 pm | GIJOE
Im back :). My internet wasnt working and I had to reformat my computer. I was able to upload the Clip of the WWIII game :). About time eh? Hope you like it. Just go to the download page and download the clip itself there. Sorry for not being able to update the site for two weeks. All that time that my internet was down I was working on the WWIII game a little. I have added 7 LvLs of the game so far. I will be adding some ammo to the game and some health packs too. I will upload a beta version of the game soon. Almost forgot to mention one thing. When you are done downloading the clip run the WWIII.asx file. That file will make it so that the other three files play together as one.

Little Break- Wednesday, August 7, 2002 - 11:17 pm | GIJOE
The game hasnt been worked on for a while since I have decided to take a small break :P. I will be taking a break and enjoy some of the summer that is left before school starts. I will try to go back to the game sometime by next week. So check back up here later on next week to check for new updates.

Unable to Upload- Saturday, August 3, 2002 - 9:30 pm | GIJOE
I havent been able to upload the video clip of the WWIII game :(. Sorry for not being able to upload it. It gives me a "Cannot find server or DNS server". It gives me that message if I try to upload a file 500k or bigger. If you know what causes this problem please help out :). Well Ill be working on the game a little more for some more adjustments and some new levels.

[Update 10:14 pm]: I have made the NewsArchive page and it contains the July news section. If you missed something and would want to check up on it just go right ahead and check it.