


Full Name: Jenna Marie

Birthday: September 24

Age: 18

Position on Otaku Boards:  Extreme Otaku.

Description: 5'7", long reddish-brown hair, light brown eyes, in shape from years of dance. ^_^

State of Residence: California; formerly Michigan.

School Attending: Brooks Institute of Photography, Ventura, California.

Grade: College freshman.

College She plans to Attend: See above ^_^

Best Friends: OB: Justin. Real life: Dianna and Johanna

Single/Taken: Taken.

Job: None.

Birthstone: Sapphire

Star Sign:Libra

Favorite Forum on OB: Stories & Poetry or General Discussion



Song: "I Miss You" by Incubus

Restraunt: Cheddars...people probably have no idea what that is :D

Hollywood Star: Ewan McGregor! ::faints::

Band/Group: Incubus, Queen, System of a Down, Linkin Park

Drink: Diet Coke (I'm addicted)

Season: Spring and Fall

Super Power: Jedi Powers :P

Animal: Giraffes!

Anime: Cowboy Bebop

Day of the Week: Friday, no doubt

TV Show: TV? I don't watch that too much =\

Food: Tomatoes...mmm

Dessert: Anything Chocolate.

Videogame: Zelda: Link's Awakening for Gameboy

Flavor: Butterskotch

Scent: Guys ;)

Color: Purple


Other Random Facts: To start off, I am just one huge dork stuck in a girly body. I've always been the girl who loves to come home and play video games after a pleasantly long day of power shopping. Everyone has obsessions...and mine is Star Wars. It adds nicely to my nerdiness ^_^ I know so much about Star Wars that I could write a book...or twenty. Yet Star Wars isn't what I'm ALL passion is photography. I hope to go on to a successful career in photojournalism, my ultimate goal being to work for something like Time or Newsweek. We'll have to see what the future brings!


Click Here to see Pics of BabyGirl!

Click here to see some of BabyGirl's Photography!
