Adam's Angels

This is a website dedicated to the lovely Adam's Angels!

        If you're a member of the Otaku Board's family, then it's hard to miss these three ladies as they are regular visitors everyday.  They are BabyGirl, Queen Asuka, and Lady Macaiodh.  This website is dedicated to them.  It includes a Bio of each member telling numerous random facts and even a few pictures.  Please sign the guest book and enjoy your visit!


   So how exactly did Adam's Angels come about, anyway?  Well, everyone knows that Adam (and James.. O.o;; until he retires) is the leader of the boards.  Although he doesn't post very much, his presence is still felt everyday.  A few months back, everyone began posting their pics on the Otaku Boards, giving everyone an opportunity to put a face to a name.  Of course, BabyGirl already had numerous pictures posted, but once Lady Macaiodh had started her picture thread, BG couldn't resist posting another one.  Everyone exclaimed how Lady M was such a beautiful red head and how BabyGirl was such a darling Brunette.  They joked that all they needed was a blonde, and they could create Adam's Angels!  A very close friend of Queen Asuka, Anna, nominated QA for the position of the Blonde.  They posted her picture and she was accepted into the trio!  They then sported around in their sigs "Adam's Angels: One of the Elite."  And so, they have been together ever since.


And now I'm sure you are just dying to get to know these girls better, aren't you?  Well, there is an individual page for each lady, telling things about her that you may or may not have already known.  Please take your time to navigate the website. And by the way, I did not vote for myself at all in the poll, but please take your time to vote for yourself!

Information has now been updated!


Queen Asuka

Lady Macaiodh


Both pictures on this page were drawn by Queen Asuka.

Please take your time to sign the guestbook!


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Last updated November 6th, 2002.

If you have any ideas for the website or any comments, contact me at


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