Pics of Queen Asuka!

Yeah finally, I'm putting up a pics page for everyone to enjoy!

This is my bedroom...or at least, one corner of it.  As you can see, I REALLY like anime ALOT.  ^_^;;

Here's a pic of me sitting in the boat that was in my backyard.  You can't see me very well, but it was after church one Sunday.

Here's me and Anna at Planet Hollywood, Orlando Florida!  This was back in Feb of 2001.

This is me right before I went to Prom.   See my movie star glasses?  They are really pink, but you can't tell from the quality of the picture.

The quality of this picture SUCKS, but this is ME, back in February, right before I went to a dance.

This is my sidekick, Anna Banana!  Also known as Anna the Avenger!  To visit her website, click HERE.

This is PiroMunkie, my OB best friend.  Everyone thought we were married...*Falls over laughing.*

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