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Aladdin's Palace

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Welcome to the official [=DS=] clan web site for Counter-Strike. The name of the clan is Digital Snipers. This clan has ranks at the end of a member's name which indicate whether they are new to the clan, or are experienced older members. The ranks are: [=Beg=]; [=Intr=]; [=Exp=]. The only way you can join this clan is if you find me in one of these 3 Stargate servers: 2010, 2011, and 2020 and if you can maintain a 2:1 or 3:1 score ratio. You can also search for me on

My name is: [=DS=]=Aladdin=[=Exp=]

Hope to see you and play some CS. This web site will include other items, so come and check it out in the near future!

Thank You For Visiting The [=DS=] Official Clan Site. The Number that you represent as a visitor to this web-site is listed


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