Snape was took to Albus' home that very day. Still in blood sodden Death Eater robes, he entered his new home. Dumbledore sat Severus down on a small ash stool and conjured a pot of tea and cups. He handed Snape a tea cup and he took a sip. Severus dribbled on himself slightly, he had only drinken from whiskey bottles for a long time.

"It's alright, Severus." Albus patted his back then lay eggs in front of him. Snape hasn't eaten real food for two years, when he tried the eggs, he rushed from the table to be violently sick in the washroom. Albus completely understood, Severus would need time to get his life back in order. When Snape emerged back from the bathroom, Albus sprung up some questions.

"How long has it been?" he asked. Snape knew exactly what Albus was talking about. He was asking how long it had been that he has been without a spouse and child. Snape replied with tears in his eyes.

"Three years," he choked. Albus got Severus up and gave him a large hug while rubbing his back as Snape cried.

Three months later, Severus got his life mostly back in order. He still looked half dead, but he felt he was filled with life. Somethings had changed though. Snape didn't enjoy sunlight as much as he used to, he couldn't rid his hair of all the grease that clung to it no matter how much he washed it, he never ate as much and he wore black to mourn his family. Albus lived right near a river so he could go out and gaze at the rushing water when ever he wanted. Snape was doing that relaxing event one night as the sun began to set while he looked at the white rose he recieved a while ago. It hadn't wilted or been hurt at all since then. It still bloomed brightly, like a smiling child that just recieved some candy. Albus come onto the porch, with what looked like a photo album.

"Are you alright, Severus?" he asked while sitting in a chair next to the thinking man.

"Yes, Albus. I'm fine. What's that there?" he asked while motioning to the photo album in the headmaster's hands.

"This?" he smiled brightly and his eyes twinkled. "It's 1982's Year Book. I always keep one for myself every year. To remember students." Snape moved closer and the both looked through The Slytehrin Section. Snape couldn't help but chuckle as he saw himself. Hair that fell just below his ears, a nose that didn't match his face and a large pimple just above a crazy eyebrow. Albus smiled and looked at Severus. "And you haven't changed at all, old timer," Snape returned the smile.