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Part Four


Author:  kevswitchau

Pairing:  EW/TM

Genre:  RPS, AU

Rating:  NC-17

Warnings: Sex (as always), language

Notes:  I don’t own either of these boys...dream on girl! *sigh*

None of this ever happened, except in my mind...



Tobey felt himself waking up slowly.  Like swimming to the surface of a pool of warm treacle...and his arm tickled.


He half opened his eyes and turned his head. 


Elijah was there.  Elijah was still there.


Part of Tobey had expected to wake up alone...part of Tobey had expected that Elijah wouldn’t be anywhere to be seen.  But that part of him was quietly overjoyed to be proven wrong. 


Elijah was propped up on one elbow, running a finger over the ladder of white scars running up the inside of Tobey’s arm.  He gently skipped over the ones that were still red and slightly angry looking...Tobey watched him sigh and shake his head.


“Hey.” He murmured, smiling as Elijah looked up at him. 


Elijah returned the smile.


Whatya doing?”


Elijah looked back at Tobey’s arm, his face serious again.


“Why?” he asked, running his thumb over the skin.


Tobey stared at him.  This was the first time Elijah had ever asked. 


“You know why...” Tobey shrugged, pulling his arm back.  Elijah shook his head.


“No Tobe.  No I don’t.”


Tobey was silent.  He gazed into Elijah’s eyes for a moment, looked away and shifted uncomfortably. 


It was just what he was just his way of connecting...he didn’t know why...he shouldn’t have to explain why.


He rubbed at the scarred skin.


“Neither do I.”  He shrugged. 


Elijah cocked his head to a side and regarded his friend. This, more than anything else, scared him...this wasn’t binge drinking or slutting around, this was blood.  This was pain.  This was disturbed. 


Taking Tobey’s hand in his, Elijah leaned forward and kissed the scars gently, tenderly. 


“You need to stop this,” he whispered. 


Tobey looked at Elijah again and swallowed.  He couldn’t stop, he couldn’t explain.  He couldn’t do this now.  Not now.


“Tell me about Dom,” he said instead.


Elijah’s face changed.  At first he registered shock, but then it closed over, like someone pulling the shutters over a window.


“Don’t change the subject, man.  That was just a rumour.”


Tobey studied Elijah.  He was lying.  Elijah never lied well.


“It was?” he prodded. 


Elijah looked away.  He looked at the window.  He looked at the bed.  He looked everywhere but at Tobey.




“No, okay?  No.  It wasn’t a rumour.  It wasn’t a fucking rumour.”


“What happened?”


Elijah rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling, his throat working spasmodically, his eyes blinking away tears that seemed to spring from nowhere.


“I fucked up.”  It came out jagged.  Broken.  Like shattered glass.


“And Franka...was that a rumour?”


Elijah paused and cleared his throat, working to regain control.  After a moment, he turned towards Tobey, his eyes hard.


“No.  That wasn’t a rumour either,” he muttered grimly.  “That was the fuck up.”


“What happened?  Why...”


Elijah turned away again.  Threw himself onto his back and regarded the ceiling.


“Because I’m stupid and useless and I think with my fucking cock, that’s why.”


Tobey propped himself up on his elbows, moving so that he was looking down at Elijah.  He watched his friend’s face quietly. 


“But you love him....right?”


He watched the tear that defiantly tracked down Elijah’s cheek, despite his attempts to hold it back. 




Elijah cleared his throat. “Yeah, I love him...fuck...fuck!” He hissed the last word through his teeth as his voice broke some more.


Tobey leaned forward and gently kissed the tear away.


“You’re not stupid, Lij.”


He kissed him again, gently, on the lips.  Elijah closed his eyes and kissed him back.


“And you’re not useless.”


He pulled Elijah into his arms, and they lay like that, pressed together like spoons, for long minutes. 


Tobey felt the tension zinging through Elijah’s body as he tried to fight against whatever he was feeling.  After a few minutes, Elijah began to relax.  Slowly, he leaned back and silently gave in to the warmth and comfort of Tobey’s body.


“You do think with your cock though, and for that I’m eternally grateful.”


Elijah giggled.  Simple.  Unforced. Relieved.


“Fuck you, Maguire.”


Tobey grinned.  “I just love your mind.”


Elijah turned slightly, regarding Tobey from the corner of his eye. “Thought you loved my cock?”


Tobey shrugged.  “Thought they were the same thing.”


Elijah turned towards Tobey and grinned wickedly.  Wanna be on my mind?”


Tobey leaned in and kissed Elijah, feeling the smile beneath his lips. He pulled back slightly and looked at Elijah’s face, at the face he had thought about night after night. The face he saw when he jerked off.  The face he saw when he drew the blade through his flesh. And he knew instantly that this was all he could hope for. 


This moment.


Lij was gonna go back to Dom, because that was how it was supposed to be.  Tobey would just move on.  But right now...right here in this instant, Tobey knew this was what they both wanted. What they both needed before the Real World stuck it’s ugly head in and they said goodbye.


He pulled Elijah into his arms, and kissed him.  He wanted to taste every inch of him, wanted the memory of him burned into his tongue. 


Turning his head to a side, he closed his lips over the pulse point near Elijah’s collar bone, and sucked.  He could feel the blood below the surface, taste the saltiness of his skin. 


Elijah sighed and leaned into Tobey’s embrace, gave himself over to Tobey’s touch.


Slowly, Tobey worked himself down the length of Elijah’s body.  Tasting.  Licking.  Savouring the sweetness of his skin.  When he sucked gently on Elijah’s nipples, he felt rather than heard Elijah groan, a low, resonant vibration that came from deep inside.


Tobey thought it was the horniest thing he had ever felt, and sucked harder. He continued downwards, his tongue doing lazy laps around Elijah’s navel before plunging lower, into the hot, musky patch of hair between his spread thighs. 


Just like the rest of him, Tobey thought that Elijah’s cock was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.  He lightly ran his tongue along the stiffening shaft, dipping his head lower and sucking gently on Elijah’s balls, pulling each into his mouth, and caressing the tender flesh with his tongue. 


Elijah moaned again and when Tobey raised his eyes, he saw Elijah stretched backwards, his eyes closed, gasping through his open mouth, his hands gripping the cross bars of the bed head with white knuckles.


Tobey grinned to himself, turned back to the task at hand, and slowly deep-throated Elijah’s cock.  He worked the shaft in and out of his throat, sucking and constricting, as his hands gently massaged Elijah’s balls. 


He loved this part.  He loved everything about it, He loved the taste and the feeling of Elijah’s cock, but most of all, he loved the tiny sounds that Elijah made as he abandoned himself to the sensations that were washing over him.  Tiny whimpers and moans that crept from his throat in time with the rhythm of Tobey’s mouth, followed by the cry that tore from him as he came, still grasping the bed head, spurting his pungent heat into Tobey’s throat as Tobey swallowed every drop.


Tobey sat back slowly, and firmly but gently turned Elijah onto his stomach.  He pulled himself onto all fours and straddled Elijah, his lips inches from Elijah’s ear.




Elijah raised himself onto his hands and knees so that he was pressed beneath Tobey, his back against Tobey’s muscled stomach.  He could feel Tobey’s cock hard and hot against his ass.  He pushed himself up off his hands, forcing Tobey backwards, so they were both kneeling on the bed, against each other.






Elijah sighed softly and reached down between his legs, grasping Tobey’s cock and squeezing gently.


“Oh yeah.”


Tobey reached forward past Elijah and grabbed the half empty sachet from the bedside table. 


He squeezed the lube onto his fingers and smeared it onto Elijah’s asshole.


“Fuck that’s cold!” Elijah chuckled, dropping back onto all fours as Tobey slowly began to massage lube into the sensitive tissue, using his fingers to gently loosen and open the muscle. 


Tentatively Tobey inserted a finger, marvelling at the slippery tightness, the velvety heat. The long, low groan from Elijah as he pushed himself backwards against Tobey’s hand, impaling himself.


“It’s okay, I’m ready.”


Tobey pulled his finger back slowly and cocked his head at Elijah who was looking back over his shoulder.  Elijah nodded, and Tobey squeezed the rest of the sachet onto the head of his own cock, spreading it with shaking fingers over the engorged flesh.


“Let me know if...”


“I will.”


“I’ve never...”


“I know.”


Tobey braced himself, his knees on either side of Elijah’s legs, and guided his cock to Elijah’s ass.  He took a deep breath, and pushed forward, feeling a moment of resistance before the muscle loosened as he slipped in.


Like silk.  Like butter.


The groan he heard was his, as he found himself somewhere he’d always wanted to be. He paused for a moment, his eyes closed, as he savoured the feeling, the slickness, the heat...the rhythmic pulse of Elijah’s body vibrating through the skin of his cock, and he pushed forward until he was completely inside, completely sheathed by Elijah...and only then did he dare to breathe.


He opened his eyes.  Elijah’s head had dropped forward and was pressing into the pillows.  He had lowered his shoulders, and his hands were gripping the bedsheets, holding himself steady.


Tobey could see Elijah’s backbone standing out, highlighted by the sheen of sweat that had broken out on his skin. Elijah’s muscles were taut, his biceps trembling slightly as he bore the weight of both of them.


“Lij?”  It was a breath, a gasp.  Elijah lifted his head.




“Is it...”




Elijah looked back over his shoulder, his eyes heavy-lidded, his hair dishevelled, his lips opened...he looked like the eighth deadly sin, and Tobey knew that he was going straight to hell...but he didn’t fucking care.


Tobey gripped Elijah’s hips, his fingers digging into the warm flesh in the hollow of his hip bone, and pulled back...pulled out...almost all the way, until only the head of his cock still connected them.  He felt a trickle of sweat down his back.  Heard the breath whistling from between his clenched teeth.


He held his breath and pushed back inside. Elijah grunted as Tobey slid in and pushed himself backwards, until Tobey’s thighs were hard up against his, until Tobey was as far inside as he could be. Then he clenched his muscles firmly around Tobey and pulled himself forward again, constricting Tobey’s cock as he eased away, the new pressure and sudden movement taking Tobey by surprise, almost sending him over the edge. He grabbed Elijah’s hips and stilled him until the building pressure subsided, and he was in control again...for now.


Elijah reached up and gripped the bed head again, pulling himself onto his knees.




Tobey didn’t answer.  Instead, he leaned forward and ran his tongue along the skin between Elijah’s shoulder blades, stopping at the base of Elijah’s neck, and sucking.  Hard.


Elijah groaned again as he felt heat rush to the spot where Tobey’s mouth and tongue worked on his flesh, creating the mother of all hickeys.


*That* would be difficult to explain.


Elijah pulsed his muscles once around Tobey’s cock. Hard. Causing Tobey to lift his head and swear loudly.


“I want...”


Tobey leaned forward, his lips pressed against Elijah’s ear, his body hard against Elijah’s back.


“What?” he gasped, easing his cock forward, entering Elijah slowly.


“What do you want?”


“Fuck me...”


“Uh huh...”




Tobey pulled out again, and pushed forward hard. Fast. He held Elijah steady as he fucked him, his hips grinding forward against Elijah’s ass before he jerked backwards and drove forward, deeper into the scalding heat of him. He dropped his head forward, pressing hard between Elijah’s shoulder blades as he felt Elijah squeezing from inside, matching his pace, making small, guttural sounds that filled his ears and resonated inside his head as he tried to grip Elijah more firmly, his hands slipping off sweat-sheened flesh.


It came upon him in a rush...completely out of nowhere.  No preamble, no warning.  One minute he heard Elijah cry out as he came, the next, Tobey followed him, feeling his entire body spasm as his cock twitched wildly and everything spiralled out of control, leaving him collapsed on top of a sweaty, gasping hobbit, his body trembling with aftershocks, his breath searing in and out of his lungs.


His whole body sang as he curled around the musky body beneath him...this was what he searched the blood and the blades and the silvery feeling of slicing flesh. This feeling. This life.


Gathering Elijah into his arms, he lay still as his twitching muscles would allow, until their breathing pulled into rhythm with each other, and the frantic beating in their chests returned to normal.


“Need a shower.”


Tobey had no idea how long they had been there, locked together, listening to each other breathe.


Mmmmm.” Elijah stretched, catlike, a satisfied grin on his face.


“Feel better?”


Tobey grinned and shook his head. “Oh man, you have no idea.”


They disentangled from each other and headed for the bathroom.


“Plans for today?”


Tobey shrugged.


“Oh, I dunno. Coffee? Lunch?”


“No meetings?”


“Nope- got the week off.”


“Want company?”


“For lunch?”


“For the week.”


Tobey cocked his head at Elijah, trying to read his face.


“Man, a week with you would fucking kill me!”


Elijah giggled, and stretched again.  Tobey watched him, his lithe body glowed softly, marred only by the occasional scratch and bruise...souvenirs of last night.


“Besides, you need to call Dom.”


Elijah froze.




“C’mon man, I’m not blind. It’s fucking you him.”


Elijah was silent, his brow creased into that little boy frown that Tobey always found so fucking sexy.  Of course he wanted Lij for the week.  He wanted to hold onto this for the rest of his life...but he knew that wasn’t going to happen.  Elijah wasn’t here. Not really.  Part of him was somewhere else.


Elijah looked up at him. “Yeah?”


“Oh for fuck’s sake. Get in the shower.” Tobey forced a smile, and shoved Lij forward.


They stood beneath the spray for a moment. Silently soaping each other, both

lost in their thoughts.


“Thanks.” Elijah broke the silence.


Tobey looked at Elijah.  He knew this would be the last time he would see him like this, naked and wet, his for the taking. He had been right. They both needed last night.  They both needed this. Now it was time to move on.


“Anytime Lij, you know that.”


They finished their shower apart.  Silent.  And when Lij left, he hugged Tobey once, and walked out the door.  He didn’t look back. 


Tobey watched Elijah walk to his car. He didn’t know what he was feeling.  He only knew that for the first time in a long time, he was feeling something. And that was good.


Turning back to the door, he kicked something.  Looking down, he watched the

rolled up magazine skitter down the steps.


“Note to self,” he muttered. “Cancel the stupid fucking gossip magazines.”


He closed the door behind him.



Kevswitchau 2002


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