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 Their First Meeting



Author:  Kinkyhobbit

Pairing:  EW/DM

Genre:  LOTR RPS drabble (100 words)

Rating:  G

Warnings: none.

Summary: Lij’s mum meets Dom for the first time.

Disclaimer:  Just borrowing them for a bit of fun.



When they arrived he brought Dom into the house and she smiled and kissed his cheek. Then she looked at him, nodded towards the door and said, “Go on, scoot. We have things to talk about.”


That was nearly an hour ago.


He needed another cigarette. He stepped outside, lit up and thought about peering through the kitchen window.


His hand stopped halfway to his lips as the back door opened. He felt a little tug inside as Dom and his mother came out into the backyard, her arm around his shoulders. Smiling.


Yeah. It was going to be alright.




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