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 Quiet Heart

Part Two


Author:  Kinkyhobbit  16/5/02

Pairing:  EW/DM

Genre:  RPS

Rating:  R

Warnings:  References to nasty sex. Bit of swearing, nothing to write home about.

Disclaimer:  I’m not responsible for these people, which is probably good considering what I keep putting them through. Luckily for them, I made it all up.

Summary:  Elijah decides he needs to get away and see someone he can talk to. 



We can't go on tearing each other apart

And if we did, would we still go on?

The Hummingbirds


Viggo was flying home to Idaho today. The more Elijah thought about it the more he wanted to just get on a plane and go too. He decided last night to ask Viggo if he could come and stay, but found himself rethinking it now, in daylight. He leant on the table and rubbed his face wearily. His hangover was killing him and the coffee just wasn’t doing it’s job the way it usually did.


It wasn’t even ten in the morning. When things were better, he’d have stayed in bed, they both would have. Stayed in and cuddled until mid-afternoon. Now they were both up, trying to avoid each other. Dom was already in the shower.


He decided to call Viggo.


“About what you said last night…I’d really like to talk to you.”


“Sure, Lij.”


Elijah swallowed and his fingers shifted nervously on the receiver.


“Are you okay? Have you two had a fight?”


“No, no, just…I need to talk to you.”


“Did you want to talk now?” Viggo asked.


“No,” he sighed. “Viggo…can I come and see you?”


“Well, I’m going back to Idaho in a few hours. It’s probably not a good time, Liji.”


“I know, I mean…can I come and stay with you? In Idaho? Just for a few days, I won’t be any trouble, you’ll hardly know I’m there.”


He heard Viggo’s soft laugh. “Well what good will that be? How can you talk to me then?”


“I mean, I just need somewhere to get away. I won’t be in your face all the time.”


Viggo paused. “Is Dom okay?”


“He’ll be okay.”


“Put him on.”


“I can’t, he’s in the shower.”


“Does he know you want to go away?”




“I don’t want to get the blame if you two don’t sort things out.”


“It's too far gone to be anyone else's fault but mine, Viggo.”


“Elijah, I'm not going to tell you what to do. If you really need to get out of the house, fine. But as long as you know what you're doing.”


“Viggo, I really, really need to…to…I gotta talk to someone about all this,” his voice wavered and he swallowed hard. “I can talk to you. Everyone else…everyone’s judging me, I know it. You don’t.”


There was an awkward but thankfully short silence.


Viggo sighed. “It’s okay, come whenever you want to. Come today. I don’t know if you’ll get a seat on my flight, but give it a try. Otherwise get whatever you can and come whenever you want. Henry is away until next week, so it will be just the two of us. Stay a few days, we’ll relax and talk, it will be good for you.”


“Yeah?” Elijah bit his lip, hopeful.


“Yes. I mean it. Come today.”


“Thanks Viggo,” he said softly.


He hung up and then rang to book a ticket. Any airline, some time today. Lucky for him Idaho wasn’t that popular a destination, and he got himself on the next flight after Viggo’s. He called Viggo back to let him know.


He headed to the bedroom, dragging out a bag to throw some clothes in, just enough for a few days. He was packing when Dom came out of the bathroom. Dom stood in the doorway, silent and staring, then sat on the bed and simply watched.


“Where are you going?” he asked eventually.


“Just…away for a few days. I’ll call you.”


“You’re going to Viggo’s.”


Elijah’s hands paused just above his bag, holding a shirt, before placing it inside. “Yeah.”


“You weren’t going to tell me.”


“Does it matter where I’m going?”


Dom shook his head in disbelief. “Yes it fucking does, actually.”

Dom watched him in silence for a few minutes.


“So…when did I become one of them?”




“Just another person you fuck because they’re there.”


Elijah just stood there, fingers moving awkwardly on the socks he was holding. He closed his eyes. “It’s not like that.”


“You think?”



“We only ever do it when we’re angry. It’s never about love anymore.”


Elijah slowly put the socks down and stepped towards him, reaching out to stroke his cheek. He bent down and pressed his trembling lips to Dom’s, not moving, just holding them together for the longest moment.


When they finally separated Dom looked away. Elijah took his face in his hands and went to kiss him again, but Dom pushed him away and stood up, leaving the room without looking back.


Elijah continued packing, throwing things into the bag as hard as he could, packing his bitterness with his clothes.


They didn’t speak for the rest of the morning, until Elijah went to leave. He was just about to open the front door when Dom’s voice stopped him.


“If you leave now, I won’t be here when you come back.”


His fingers were just touching the doorknob. His hand was trembling, and he grasped the knob to stop it.


“I mean it, Liji. Not this time. Not any more.”


“Sblomie, we need a break.”


“This isn’t a break. You go over there and you’ll fucking end up sleeping with him. He wants you, Lij, and you fucking know it.”


“It’s not like that,” Elijah whispered.


“Who are you trying to convince?”


Elijah opened the door.


“I know you'll sleep with him.”


Elijah stopped, turning to stare at him. “How can you say that?”


“Because he wants you.” Dom smiled a sad, resigned smile. “He wants you, and you can't say no.”



Dom didn’t go out after Elijah left. He loitered about the house, making a pathetic attempt at tidying which involved picking things up and carrying them around aimlessly until he forgot why he had them, and then putting them down somewhere else. He annoyed Deborah a little, just following her around her house while she did things, talking at her about nothing in particular. Elijah had fed her some story about going to Viggo’s to be part of some photographic project he was working on. She’d eventually just looked at him and asked him what was wrong, and all he’d said was “I’m having a really crap day”. If only.


He’d tried to phone Billy, but he was out. Dom tried not to sound like a dumped boyfriend when he left a message, and was certain he failed miserably. Now he’d given up and was sitting on the sofa with his feet on the coffee table, sipping a beer at six in the evening and watching the dust dance in the last of the sunlight.


Dom tried to think of a million reasons not to call Viggo. What would he say? Are you fucking him? Will you? Do you love him? Can you possibly love him as much as I do?


He knew Viggo liked Elijah, a lot. He knew if Viggo got the slightest idea they were breaking up, then something would probably happen.


He stopped at that thought, his breath catching in his throat. If Viggo got that idea, it would be his own fault. He was the one who said he wouldn't be here when Elijah got back. He closed his eyes, trying to push the thought away. Fuck, I've basically told him it's over.


“Fuck!” he said out loud, then shook his head and sniffed miserably. “Fucking cunt,” he muttered.


He swigged his beer and tried to think of what to do next.


The first time Elijah had slept with someone else, he'd felt betrayed. Angry and upset, too. Same again the next time. The time after that was different. He heard the latest rumour and went out to a club, full of anger. He picked up the first cute guy who blinked twice at him and fucked his brains out. Then he spent the next day crying and feeling angry at both himself and Elijah. The time in between storming around the house glaring at the furniture was spent hugging himself on the sofa or the bed, listening for the key in the door.


And it had only been a fucking rumour. A rumour! At least, that's what Elijah said. Dom believed him at the time, but now…he wondered, though after slipping himself he understood why Elijah would come home guilty and ashamed, unable to speak, just wanting to hold and kiss him instead. He knew, because he felt the same. He hadn’t thought that fucking somebody else would make them miss each other more, but that’s how it worked, at first.


Gradually that changed. The rumours divided them more and more, whether they were true or not. He loved Elijah, but it was getting harder and harder to forgive him each time. He never knew, ever, exactly what was going on until Elijah got home. Until he could see his face and look into his eyes. Until that point, he could never be sure if Elijah was keeping anything from him. Now he didn't know what to believe, he only knew their relationship was possibly as fucked as it could get. It certainly wasn’t the kind of loving relationship they used to have.


The last time they had sex was four days ago. They’d been fighting in the car on the way home over something so trivial and stupid he couldn’t even remember what it was. They got in the house and no sooner had he closed the door than Elijah had him shoved against it, grinding against him hard, pulling angrily at his clothes. He’d resisted but not much, only enough to make Elijah work for it. He’d gritted his teeth and welcomed the hard, painful thrusts inside him as his fingers dug into the wood of the door and his knuckles went white. Welcomed it, because he knew it was all he was going to get and it was better than nothing.


And now it looked like it might be over, because he’d finally opened his big mouth and said something he’d wanted to say many times before. He’d wanted to, so why did he feel so shitty about having finally said it?


Because, he though to himself, I still love him.


That made everything hurt a hundred times more.


He swallowed and forced down the panic and nausea inside him. Viggo was a friend they both loved. A bloody friend. Surely…he didn’t want to think about it.


But he'd said it. He said he wouldn't be here. If Elijah fucked Viggo, it wasn't necessarily Elijah's fault. Not this time, not if he thought it was over.


“We’re in a mess,” he said softly, closing his eyes and lying back on the sofa. The state he was in, he'd simply be relieved if Elijah came home at all.


Elijah hadn’t called. There was no message on the answering machine. Dom resisted the urge to phone him. He grabbed another beer from the fridge. The sun went down and he didn’t care. He kept drinking until he couldn’t even think anymore, and passed out on the sofa.


Kinkyhobbit 2002


Part 3

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