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Author:  kevswitchau

Pairing:  EW/DM

Genre:  RPS, drabble (100 words)

Rating:  PG-13

Warnings: none

Disclaimer: This happened in my mind only.




“Dom,” he whispered. “Dommie...”


He lowered his head and kissed Dom’s back, tasting the faint saltiness.


Dom raised his head from the pillow and tightened his fingers around the brass cross post of the bed head. Elijah noticed the smear of writing on the backs of Dom’s hands, and smiled. Indelible ink my ass.


He remembered the look on his publicist’s face.  He thought she was going to explode. And then she did.


Dom had apologised later, but Lij didn’t mind. He wasn’t sorry.


He ran his hands over Dom’s skin, feeling every muscle, hearing every whimper.


And loved him.



Kevswitchau 2002


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