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My Wiccan Information Page

~*Blessed Be*~

Hello and welcome. ;)

This is actually a class project, but for some time,
I have wanted to add a page all about Wicca
to my main site (link below).
This class has also given me the opportunity
to learn more about my religion while doing so.

It is also my way of banishing all the
misconceptions about Wicca (commonly referred
to as Witchcraft), while educating those
who wish to geninely learn about an
ancient religion that many people overlook
due to stereotypes and ignorance.

Big plans! I know. But I am hooked. :)

Email me below if you have any Wiccan
experiences you would like to share with
me-- I have always believed that knowledge
is power and love to learn new things.

Also, feel free to take a look at my home
page listed below. I have worked pretty hard
on it! It has everything from wrestling &
comic book scans, to artwork galleries and Lit
....and seamonkeys! *grin*

Thanks for reading!

(c) 2003 Leanne Anysia

Here are the things I
hope to add onto the site:


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