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I see the comet as it bathes the earth in light
I did not know an intruder could be so bright.
It is so close, and yet so very far
come to me, O beautiful star.

I see you in the moonlight, bathed in black
I am sorry, but my world has a lack
of communication with yours.

Open the doors of the universe
bathe me in dark light
so that I may stand with you & fight
for the Mother Goddess.

The world is in such a mess
a public hell due to the less

O eternal star
baptize me in your glory
leave the door to the light ajar
for me
to see
what it's like.

My Maiden Star
sending your beams
to some heaven afar
let your silver shine
from your heart to mine.

Great Mother
awash in beauty
see me
for who I will be
not who I am.

Give me the key
to break my shackles
and set me free.

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