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 Applets + Scripts JavaScript, CGI, etc

 1001 Free Webmaster Resources – offering an excellent selection of various resources, including scripts

 BigNoseBird.Com CGI Script Archive – a superb selection of scripts, some of which we use ourselves

 CGI Scripts & Resources – from, an excellent resource

 CGI Scripts by VerySimple – some great free scripts (SimpleSubmit!, SimpleSecure!, SimpleShop!, etc)

 Cup of Java – a nice collection of Java and JavaScripts resources

 Cut-N-Paste JavaScript – about 200 free JavaScripts to copy and paste into your webpages

 DHTML Demos – cross browser demos of Dynamic HTML; excellent site

 Dynamic HTML Guru Resources – spectacular look at the effects possible with DHTML

 Dream Catchers CGI Scripts – an excellent collection of free CGI scripts – a small selection of excellent (and free) Java applets; have a look!

 Fluid Dynamics: Freeware CGI Collection – a good selection of free CGI scripts

 Fred’s JavaScript Site – some good scripts with info (site is designed for Netscape browsers)

 FreeCode – lots of free programming source code including Java, CGI, C++, etc

 Java Goodies – a huge selection of free Java scripts

 javascript tutorial – covers JavaScript basics, scripts you can add to your site, etc

 Joust – an excellent JavaScript outliner or Website menu system which can be used as a site map too

 Matt’s Script Archive – probably the most famous script resource site on the Net!

 Mojo Mail – a superb CGI-based e-mail list management script

 Smiley’s Perl Source page – some good resources and scripts

 The CGI REsource Index – links to hundreds of scripts in dozens of categories; sensational!

 The JavaScript Source – a great selection of free JavaScripts which you can copy

 The Scripts Home – billed as “the total resource for scripts on the Net”; it’s not – an excellent source of free (GNU license) scripts, with Helpdesk

 Virtual Max’s Café – a nice collection of home-grown Java applets and JavaScripts with FAQS, etc

 WebReference – truly awesome collection of free JavaScripts and lots of advice on HTML

 Website Abstraction Free JavaScripts – an excellent collection of “cut ’n paste” JavaScripts


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