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Title Remembering Walt: Favorite Memories of Walt Disney
Author(s) Howard and Amy Green
Publisher Hyperion; ISBN: 078686348X; (July 1999)
My Rating Unrated
Disney Walt Disney was a man of many facets. This new book uses interviews with dozens of men and women who knew him well to reflect them. Sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, it's always engrossing.
Amazon Hardcover: 224 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.80 x 11.12 x 8.86

Reviewer: To sum up...WOW! Instead of relying on probably non-existant sources, this book takes a simply approach- Print exactly what others said about Walt, with their name attached to the quote. What a refreshing idea! The book of course has sections written by the author, but the true "guts" of the book are many, many quotes about Walt, expertly grouped by the authors. The book does not shy away from talking about Walt's temper or tendency to micro-manage, that is in there. But neither does it embelish the negatives in an effort to tear the man down. This is a truthful look, and it will make you feel even better every time you view a Disney picture or walk through the gates of Disneyland.
Chapters tbd
Glenn tbd

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