Emma's Biography

Hpan1f's comments are between * Anna's comments between {}

Full Name: Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson

Gender: Female
Meaning: Universal *Which might explain some things.*
Origin: Latin

Gender: Female
Meaning: Feminine
Origin: French

unknown meaning

Gender: Male
Meaning: Son of Walter
Origin: English
Thanks to Babynames.com for those meanings!

Nickname: Em {Em? How corny is that?}

Birthday: April 15, 1990

Schooling: Grade 8 *I saw a few Emma sites say Wow she's smart! next to grade 8 and I would like to point out that I know LOADS of really stupid people who have never failed a grade. Just because you have never failed a grade doesn't make a person smart. Maybe she is, who knows?*

Sign: Aries, the Ram

Stone: Diamond


Hair Color: Brown {she says blonde *coughwannabecough*} *Because of the popular saying 'Blonde's have all the fun'*

Eye Color: Brown

Hometown: Oxfordshire, England

She spent some of her childhood in France, until later on, at the age of 5, she moved back to Oxfordshire.

School Plays: Arthur: The Younger Years [Morgan La Fay],

The Swallow and The Prince [The Swallow],

The Happy Prince [unknown lead role],

and Alice in Wonderland [the angry cook]

Accomplishments: 1st place in the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition [1997],

winning the role of Hermione out of thousands of other girls [2000],

a Young Artists Award [2002] and a Phoenix Film Critics' Society Acting Award [2003]!!

Role Models: Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie Hawn, and John Cleese


Parents: Jacqueline and Chris [divorced]

Siblings: Younger brother [by 3 years], Alex

Grandparents: Freda Watson (Grandmother)

Pets: Bubbles and Domino (cats){i cant believe it}

She says that she is "obsessed" with cats.

She lives with her mother and her younger brother Alex

Within the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Movie

Favourite Scene: Troll Scene (stunts galore!)

Favourite HP Spell: "Petrificus Totalus!"

Favourite Movie Trick: "In the movie, I quite like the trick where I'm under the stands and I set things [Snape] on fire." (Quidditch Scene)

Favourite Line: "I'm going to bed, before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed - or worse expelled!" *so her favourite line is where she becomes all snobby and prissy...yeah*

Within the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Movie

On-Set Nickname: One-Take Watson *fortunately not for us*

Favourite Scene: The Gilderoy Lockhart scenes *where she goes 'omg omg he looks like Brad Pitt!'*

Least-Favourite Scene: At the end where she hugs Harry [Daniel] "For starters it was 'cringe,' but then it was okay." *suuure*

Awards/Nominations (** means won)

Best Youth Performance --- Phoenix Film Critics' Society (PS)

Outstanding Supporting Actress --- American Moviegoer Awards (PS)

Best Ensemble in a Feature Film --- Young Artists Award (PS)

Leading Young Actress in a Feature Film - Young Artists Awards (PS)**

Best Acting Ensemble --- Phoenix Film Critics' Society (CoS)

Best Performance By a Youth - Female --- Phoenix Film Critics' Society (CoS)**

Best Supporting Actress --- AOL Moviegoer Awards (CoS)

Favourites [General HP]

Favourite HP Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Favourite HP Character: Hagrid ("because he's funny!"){and because Danny says sooo!!}
She says she likes his funny accent *HOLD UP! YOU LIKE HAGRID'S ACCENT BUT NOT AMERICANS' ACCENT??! * and because he's a massive giant who can be so emotional.

Favourites [Misc]

Clothing Lines: DKNY, Gap and Harvey Nichols

Music: Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Dido, and Samantha Mumba. "I enjoy all the latest stuff on the radio." *LATEST STUFF?!*


(More recently, found in an interview that took place in 2002)- music by Shakira *Well, I don't really mind since I'm not really into Shakira*

Jelly Bean Flavour: Sherbert Lemon

Animal: Cats

Sports: Tennis, Hockey and Rounders [which is somewhat like Baseball] {now, sports... with her sports and her "fashion" obsession, where is she going to end up? In the marines, maybe, with all those army suits...}

Movies: Julia Roberts movies (Pretty Women, Notting Hill, etc)

Good Books (but not a Favourites!): The Phantom Tollbooth and I Captured Castle

School Class: Art

Food: Italian (pasta, pizza, etc) and chocolate!

TV Show: Power Ranger

Dislikes [General HP]

Her Movie Nickname: " [My friends] don't go around calling me Hermione Granger. I am me."
When People Pronounce Hermione wrong.

Dislikes [Misc]

Music Types: Classical or Opera

School Classes: Geography, Math and Latin

Food (Least Favourite): Vegatables

Other Stuff

Quidditch Postion She'd Want to Play: Chaser

Holiday (2001) Wish: "I wish there was peace between America and Afghanistan." *uhhuh, scroll down toward the bottom* {...}

Set Piece She'd Steal: One of the Chess Pieces or her Wand

Invisibility Cloak Uses: Sneaking into movies or concerts {what is that suppose to mean?}

Her First Interview: August 2000 (Announcing Cast)

Crushes: Prince William and Brad Pitt

First Time to America: NY Premiere of Harry Potter

TV Interviews that She Did in America: The Rosie O'Donnell Show, The Today Show, Live on Regis and Kelly, Oprah, Jay Leno, The Wayne Brady Show, The Early Show, The View, MTV TRL (Total Request Live) and The Caroline Rhea Show!

Enjoys: Books by Dahl (Think James and the Giant Peach)

First Book her Father Read to Her: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (by same author as above!)

Still Loves: Santa Claus *gag* {aha yeah right}

Emma's X-mas List: More Clothes *MORE CLOTHES?!*

Interesting Facts
(Highly sarcastic)
Emma (along with Rupert and Daniel) each have their own movie trailer onset! *Wow. And I DON'T know a star that doesn't have a trailer*

Emma thought it would be "a giggle" to try for the part of Hermione - and look where it landed her! *Well, last time I checked, Emma now has several hate sites about her...*

Emma never turns down a request for an autograph (although she does find it scary to know that everyone knows her face!) *Never turns down an autograph?! Thats impossible. I've also heard several people complaining that she turned down their autograph to sign some boys' autographs*

Emma brought some of her friends to the set during the making of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. *cough-true-friends-alright-cough*

Emma's first time to America was for the New York Premiere. *and hopefully last; alas, she came back ;|*

Emma had a party with her friends after she finished filming the first movie!

Emma put most of her earnings away in the bank for school.

Emma wants to play the typical American teen in movies/TV. *HOLD ON! SHE INSULTS AMERICAN'S ACCENTS ON T.V. BUT WANTS TO PLAY A 'TYPICAL' AMERICAN TEEN???!'

Emma was a witch for Halloween (who hasn't been?) when she was three, but never believed that she would play one on screen years later! *OK, Emma fans tell me that Emmas been through a horrible time to get the part of Hermione. Hello? She never believed she would. Loads of Hermione wannabes went through more than that only to be told that they weren't good enough. OF course I didn't try out and didn't want to, so I wouldn't really understand*

Emma's Quotes
"I liked COS bettter, cause on PS I was still an amateur" {well she's still an amateur!!}

"I got to do loads of stunts. I had to crawl under bathroom stalls and hide under basins and run around. The trolls were also fantastic." *Aren't there only 1 Troll?*

"Neville comes up to me with his toad, Trevor, and says,"Do you want to kiss Trevor goodnight?" Every time he did this I burst into laughter. I was supposed to give him an "I hate you" look, but I couldn't help myself. It took me about eight takes to get it." *Where exactly was that in the movie?* {Yeah, and I thought she was 'One Take Watson'}

"She's a bit too [concerned with] rules. She overdoes it when Harry gets the Firebolt and she seeks out Professor McGonagall. She was obviously worried, but I probably would've had a talk with my friend before I sought out a teacher. "

"She loves cats, and so do I. I adore animals, but cats are my favorite. I've got two, Bubbles and Domino." *So she adores animals but still wears LOADS of leather clothing and shoes? Bubbles and Domino? Domino is a pizza place and Bubbles..Well, Bubbles is a Powerpuff Girl!* {gag}

"My drama teacher (at school) called out my name at assembly and asked if I'd like to do the audition. I went up with a couple of my friends for a bit of a laugh. Then it got more and more serious. It was really scary, but it was great." *Yeah, and Its REALLY HISTERICAL to audition for Hermione..*

(Note: She says this in an outburst. Not a grateful sort of voice)
"That’s the good thing about them! They all ask exactly the same questions and you can say exactly the same answers! You don’t have to think, you can just stand there like a broken record going LALALALA…" *So, a good thing about them is that they ask the same questions over and over again? Riiiiiiight...*

When asked about the perks of being in the “Harry Potter” movie, Emma still finds a way to be clever.
Emma: I’d say going to different places. We went to loads of locations which was really fun, met some new people, and it was fantastic acting with really good co-stars, ie. Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane, Zoe Wanaker, Julie Walters, and it was just a great cast.
Rupert: And for me, probably the sweets.
Emma: (Rolls eyes) I say a long sobby speech, and he says…’sweets’. *I wouldn't call that clever. I would call that smart-mouthing* {ZzZzZ... }

He is such a cool director, so nice. I haven’t worked with any others {haaaaaa} but I’m sure he’s one of the best (laughs). He would say [the scene] himself and say ‘How do you want to do it?’ He wasn’t really bossy and he wasn’t telling us what to do, or say, or how to act. He is a fantastic director.” *Wow. Hahaha. Notice I'm being Highly Sarcastic.*

So why has the Harry Potter series gripped both adults and kids alike? “Um, I reckon it’s because it’s for all ages,” says Emma. “Because, in a way I’ve seen just as many adults reading the Harry Potter books as I have seen the children, and it’s kind of got a mix of everything – comedy, adventure, it can make people cry. J.K. Rowling describes everything really well [because] you kind of feel like you know the characters. I reckon it’s just as popular in Britain as it is in the United States. Not even just that, but around the world.”

“I was already in the middle of the third one when I started auditioning and finished the fourth before I had the role so I was like a major Harry Potter fan,”

“The first time I saw it, I was like, ‘Oh my God’ and I literally felt weird for a few seconds, cause it’s weird seeing yourself on screen. And then the second time I watched it, I enjoyed it a little. The third time I watched it, I actually picked up how they had done it and I really enjoyed it.” (On the Difference Between Hermione)“Um…no. I don’t enjoy studying. I enjoy school, but I’m not obsessed with school, that’s kind of the difference between us.” {and many many others, sweetie}

When asked if she found this similarity with Hermione [being the nerd of the group], she laughs and simply commands “Ask my brother!”

During Potter's filming, she boasts: "We changed loads of lines. I mean, it wasn't like massive things, it was just things that I really didn't think would work. Really small things, even as small as taking out an 'if' or 'an' or something like that. It wasn't, like, major." {... Riiiiiight}

"...All ask exactly the same questions," the 11-year-old huffs. "You can say exactly the same answers, so you don't have to think. You just kind of stand there like a broken microwave." *A broken Microwave?! What does saying the same thing over and over again have to do with a Broken Microwave?*

"It's important to read because it's really good for your [vocabulary]. It's really good for your imagination. I enjoy reading because I find it relaxing."

"I think it's really, really important to stay truthful to the books because they're fantastic books. Chris [Columbus] is working really close with J.K. Rowling, and I think that's what makes the films so great—the fact that we work with the author who has all of the images and inspirations in her head. "

" Professor Sprout's class was pretty hard. There are so many scenes where I literally couldn't say my lines. Hermione gets such mouthfuls, it's like a tongue twister in each paragraph. She talks like a dictionary. She is a dictionary. "

"[There were] 300 extras in the same room for one whole week. Everyone is dying of boredom and they need to be laughing; Robbie Coltrane [Hagrid] had to stand up on the tables and dance. They did the Macarena and the cancan, and it worked! It was the highlight of the whole filming!{Reallly!!!!!! WOWWW " Like... TOTALLY!!} I never laughed so much in my life! "

"He [Kenneth Branagh] is the nicest guy. He is absolutely fantastic. He's really down to earth, really friendly, and he has a great sense of humor. I really liked working with him. He's a fantastic actor as well. There's such a presence about him. "

"I really love animals and enjoy working with them. It can be quite hard. It's very hard to tell a dog, "Do it again, you weren't sitting in the right position." You have to be quite patient because Fang drools everywhere. It takes ages to get off your robes,{Oh yeah, as if you washed them} and Hedwig flies in the wrong direction. Most of the time they get it right, which is absolutely amazing! Their trainers must have the hardest job ever. " *Perhaps, she doesn't like dogs..*

"I think all of the characters have matured. Hermione has become a bit more laid back and she's not so mothering to Harry and Ron. She finally has a different hairstyle, which is nice." *NICE?!* {o.O}

"Most of the change happened during the first film. I occasionally get recognized. I think everyone's been a bit more enjoyable on the second film, because they know the people and they know what they're doing. "

[If you went to Hogwarts, what house would you want to be in?] "Gryffindor. You gotta be with the goodies."

"One-Take Watson"--I'd always get my scene done in one take...well, not always. The boys had them, too: "Do-It-Again Dan" and "Go-Again Grint."

"I'd like to be invisible to get into rock concerts and movies. " *What? She doesn't even like Rock! But Dan does...*

"I was envious of Dan because he gets to work in the final chamber, and that's a stunning set. "

[What other role did you want to play?] "Malfoy because you can be horrible to people--that would be fun to play around with! " *You'd like to be Horrible to people?!"

"I go through my tongue-twisting lines. Or play card games--Spit, Slam and Snap. "

[What helped you snag the part of Hermione?]" To be in Harry Potter you have to be a really big fan. I don't know what I did to get the part out of millions of girls, but it worked! "*Something with crack perhaps?*

"To cry, you do a staring competition at the wall: Keep your eyes open until they start to water. {HAHAHA like those tears were real} To smile--you just have to think of a happy thought. A mixture of Brad Pitt and chocolate " *That's Ironic because all I have to do to gag is to think of Brad Pitt.* 'Brad Pitt and chocolate??!! o.O, To smile you just have to... well.. smile!!}

"I think Hermione is very bossy, so in the film I get to boss Daniel and Rupert around, but I hope that doesn't happen too much in real life. She's very determined and very loyal. I'm not as academic as she is - I spend a lot more time doing sport and art. I'm not quite as obsesssed on the book front."

"I think when you take away all the premieres and the press and all the frilly stuff off, you come down to the fact that it's just acting, and I think that's been the best thing for me." * You know, this is something I agree with.*

[Did you have nightmares after watching the film?]" No, not at all. I think that's what makes it really good. Even though there a darker bits and the plot's a bit more complicated, there are still some light scenes - I was laughing all the way through." *Is there any moment where she's NOT laughing??!*

"When we were on set, we had a tutor to keep up with our school work - three hours minimum, five hours maximum, so we kept up and everything. I really enjoy school, so it was really nice to go back and be normal again. I've got quite big exams this year, so it's important that I go back to school in the gaps between filming."

"I wasn't in any scenes with Dobby, but I thought he was really sweet and I'd like to take him home and sit him on the bed with the rest of my cuddly toys." *....(Speechless)...* {o.O }

"When I first met him I thought he'd be really intimidating, but he's such an amazing person. He's really, really down to earth and is a really nice guy. I think he portrayed the character of Gilderoy Lockhart perfectly - really cheesy and really funny."

"My family and friends' life hasn't really changed that much. Obviously I'm recognised in the street and I'm away from home a lot more {ZzZzZ}. And I have an action figure of myself! Apart from that, I'm just trying to keep my life as normal as possible. "

"Yeah, girl power!" *Girl Power?!*

"I have a tutor on the set a minimum of 3 hours maximum of 5 hours as far as keeping up with friends on weekends I try to see them as much as I can and email is really good!" *Rrright*

[When asked if it was hard when Richard Harris died.]

"Success hasn't changed me" *Rrrright*

"They walk past and go 'Wingardium Leviosa' for the billionth time that day, and I go aaagggghhhhhh! "

"I have the best lines"

"My school is very different. It's a boarding school, but obviously there is no magic and in place of Quidditch we play field hockey."

"Yes, I have read them all. My dad actually read them to me. I've only read them each one time but the third is my definitely my favorite because it's the most exciting with lots of new characters." *Does her dad read her everything?!* {maybe she doesn't really know how to read}

"I am also much more obsessed with clothes and shopping whereas Hermione has no fashion sense at all." {er... er... }

[TFK: Are your best friends anything like Harry and Ron?]
Emma: No. To start with they are girls. We like doing very different things; we don't fight Basilisks or anything like that.{ no, duuh} We just like to spend time talking and hanging out.

"The best gift I ever received was a CD player because I love music."

"My favorite is Italian - pizza, pasta...I love it all but my absolute favorite is chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. My least favorite is vegetables."

"I've been playing for eight years. Yes, it’s my favorite sport. My mum played for East of England, which is why I think I love it so much and it helps to take my mind off everything."

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