Emma's Diary

A new diary, featuring new contents from Emma.
If you are quite new with Emma's Diary, this is possibly where Emma would spill her deepest and darkest secrets.
Of course we are making this up, so its entirely fictional...at least, we think it is, you may never know.

Day 1
Dear Diary
I saw myself in the Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Dvd today! Sorry it took so long to see it.

I spent all of Mum's money on clothes and Cleenexs today and she got a tad bit suspicious.

"Why do you need all those Cleenexs?" she asked, refering to the 15 boxes I stuffed in my closet (along with my new leather shoes!)

So, I just told her I was doing a project for school.

If she ever found out I was stuffing my stolen push-up bra, she'll kill me. Well, not exactly. I'm famous, my bodyguards will stop her.

I know, I know...Its been the 18th time this week, but I can't help it! Daniel was looking slightly under my shoulders last time, And I want Dan, Rupert, and Tom to look a little lower.

Anyway, back to the Dvd. I played and watched the scene where I hugged Daniel 26 times! We make such a good couple.

So, who cares if it ruins the Dvd player? I'll just buy a new one. I know Daddy's credit card numbers by heart.

Anyway, I have to go watch that scene again and try on my new cleenexs.

I wonder if it makes my butt look too big.

Your Babi gurl,
P.S. I think today is the day Dan is finally going to ask me out.

Day 2
Omg! did you see the way Daniel looked at me today?!
He is soooooooooooooooooooooo gorgeous.

Anyway, I went onto a lot of Emma sites today, which are sites devoted to me!

And there are people who put cute stuff on it, like this dude:

Emma, is that you? I would surely appreciate it if you contact me. I'll be waiting with a bouquet full of flowers and a bottle of champagne

Ooooo champagne. I wonder how old he is. Oh wait,
Your Sweetie pie,
P.S. I think today is the day Dan is finally going to ask me out.

Day 3
Ok, no luck yet. But hey, it's still early.

Tom was dressed up like Eminem today, Again!

So I went over there and told him that it made him look like a dork again!

But he just gives me that cute adorable weird look, like he always does.

How many times do I have to tell him?
Americans are no good lying cheating people.
And so are Mexicans.
And so are the Chinese.
And so are the Canadians.
And everyone else in the world except the British, like us, and the French like Gram.

I mean come on. Americans just want more and more war.
The Chinese are spreading SARS.
And the Canadians. They wouldn't know mad cow disease if it dropped from the clouds.

Anyway, I have to put on some makeup.
Your lovebunny,
P.S. I think today is the day that Dan is finally going to ask me out.

Day 4
Still no sign, but I know deep down that he has feelings for me too.

Anyways, I rented a Brad Pitt movie today.

I forgot what it was called, but hey, that doesn't matter.

The only thing that matters is when Brad Pitt comes on screen.

Then I decided, not all Americans are bad but Brad Pitt is the only one that is good.

I mean, a face like that can't be a bad person.

If only I could stop Tom from dressing like Eminem (which I should call Marshall Mathers because Eminems are candy, not just some bad rapper who thinks he can rap)

Your Sweetiepoo,
P.S. I think today is the day Dan is finally going to ask me out.

Day 5
I'm here at the set and
Omg! Did Daniel just look at me?! Omg Omg Omg he's coming over here Omg what do I do?!
Stay Calm Em. Stay Calm. Oh wut the heck I'm running to the bathroom

Gosh, why did I leave my diary behind when I ran into the bathroom?!
Omg, I can't believe Dan Read through it.
Well, he said he didn't. But I saw that look on his face...the...the...look of...
Oh my god I can't take It, I'm going and this may be the last time I write to you....you...Stupid piece of..
Omg, I can't believe I'm insulting a diary!

Ok, fine. You win.
I got bored and I have to do Something!

Okay, maybe Dan didn't see my diary...er...you...I don't think you could stay mad at that face.

Omg, Rupert said the most Dumbest thing today.
Just because Dan said he hated math and I did too, doesn't mean that Rupert has to joke about us going out.

Sure, I would love to go out with little Dannypoo But I can't admit it while he's standing right there.

How dare Rupert.

I'm going to take my free Spa Treatment.
Ah, feels good to be a celebrity.

Your Snuggles,
P.S. I think today is the day that Dan finally asks me out.

Day 6
Was out on the street today, signing autographs.

I also got a bouquet full of roses.
Still no sign of the champagne guy though.

Diary, a couple of girls looked at me wierdly today.
When I walked by, they all sudden had an urge to cough and it came out something like: Prep.

Diary, what is a prep? It says in my dictionary:
A bird that mimicks-
Oh no, wait thats Parrot.

Here it is:
One who prepares or studies
One who prepares or studies? What do I need to study for? Those girls are complete idiots.

Well, I have to hunt for the mysterious Champagne guy.
Your Snoogles,
P.S. I think today is the day that Dan finally asks me out.

Day 7
OK, sure it's been like 1 or 2...7 (whatever) days that Dan hasn't asked me out yet, but I'm sure he will!
And anyway if he doesn't I'll always have the champagne guy right?

I went to the opera today. You know, Britain is home of the finest operas. Hmmm...*sigh* I wish I could sing like that. Show my admirers my talent.

At least let me try. OH I know, I can practice it right here!

Mum told me to shut up cuz I was waking up the neighbor's dog.

Well that good-for-nothing dog sleeps all day anyway.
Why couldn't our neighbor have a cat? At least they'll be more quieter.

I'll get you back, Rocky, for making my mum end my opera practice. I'll get you back......someday.

Well, I gotta go pelt that dog with some meox mix.
Heeeheee, see how he feels.

Your SnuggleWuggums,
P.S. I think today is the day that Dan finally asks me out.
Day 8

Do you think that I should colour my nails sweet strawberry red or spring rosy red?

Hmm....I like the sweet strawberry red...

But then again...the spring rosy red makes me look more Sophisticated...

Hmm...No......no..I have to say that yellow is my best color....

Now If only I could decide which kind of yellow....

What do you think Diary? Ripe Banana Yellow or Sunny Sunshine Yellow?

OH goodness, if only there were more fingers on my hands and toes on my feet, so I could fit ALL of the colours of my nail polish kit!!!

Oh well, Life is good so far....

I think he's the pizza guy...he's Sooo nice to me....

But I can only meet him if I order Pizza....Hmm....I have an urge for Pepperoni right now....

Yeah I know, too much pizza makes me break out in hives...But who cares? I'll call the Pizza place anyway!




OH did I say 'girl'? I meant woman....as I am sooo over the girl stage.


Okay, just calm down Em. Take a deep breath. Yeah thats right.

Well anyway, I have to go chuck the pizza in the nearest bin or something...

Maybe go pelt the neighbor's dog....haha see how he likes it now...

Your Lovebird,
P.S. I think today is the day that Dan finally asks me out

Day 9 (from JpanesePrincess)
Dear Diary,
Today i went shopping! I bought a new fuwr cot (u kno, tht thingy u put on u 2 kep u wam!) its pitty. and i got me sum nu shoos. thyr mad of lethr. and me gots sum nu kleenex, so i cn stff my padded brwa even mor! mayb dannyboos will ask me out if i have big boobies. i want 2 luk evn mor like a slut! im gonna go buy some teeny-tiny swrts and pants wen i gt the tim. u kno being a bad actrss is vry tim cunsumin! i have to prtnd to memorz the lins & (boi tht thingy iz hrd 2 mk!) cmplin whn ickl bby danny and uggy butt ruprt get them wrng. my mommy told me i luk lik a slut. tht mad me happy! yay! my crak dealer wantd lots of monees for my crak 2day. i gave him the munees and he gave me my crak. im snrting it right now. it tasts funny. im also drinking my mommys bottle of bricardi. its yummy. i think im getting high. and dunk. o well, hey! guss wht else happend 2day? i mt britney spers! i love her. she is pritty. shes my rl modl. i wnt to b a slut, just like her! i asked her 2 sgn my 27 cpis of her albums, and she dd! shes so nic. my mommy liks britnye two. i wish i lookd lik hr. or mayb, just mayb, get implants like hr. then i wnt have to spnd munee on my kleenxs ne mor! i have to go to my herion dwrl now, and thn 2 my pot dealr, and thn my extasee delr.
ps: today is the day danny is gonna ask me out.
ur suga pie hunny bumpkins puddin hed fruit cup,

Day 10 (From Raye)
Dear Diary,
I am so mad I could just kill someone! Dannykins didnt even notice I was at his birthday! I bet it has something to do with alex! I was at dannies party and I looked my best as always! but danniekins didnt even notice I was there! I thought that was the day he would ask me out but no alex has to ruin everything for me! anywayz I went shopping today! I bought more kleenex, a new dress and makeup! I also bought some self tanner bcuz dannykins likes girls with tans! he will so ask me out now! I have to go kill alex for ruining ( big word) my chance with dan!
your cuddlekins,
ickle little emie!
ps I think today is the day dan ask me out!!!!!!

Day 12 (from Raye)
Dear Diary,
I hate rupert,and tom! Here is how the story goes, I was Swimming, well I cant swim, but sitting by a pool.
Then tom and rupert splashed me with water! Causeing some of my tissues to come out! Dannie saw and started laughing! To top that off he saw my fake tan!
The rest of my day was just great!!! I tried to kill alex but my mum stoped me! I found this great site about me!!! Its called Emma Haters Inc. ..... Iam soo mad how can they hate me!?
Even though everything on that site is true!!! well anywayz Ive gotta go replace my tissues and kill tom and rupert!! I am so heart broken that dan doesnt like me!! It probably has something to do with the canadians!!!!
your snuggles,
ps I think today is the day dan will apoligise (hope I spelled that right) and ask me out!!!

Day 13
1st day of school today, so far it isn't bad.

The new Gym Teacher is Sooooooooooo HOT! Maybe he's the champagne guy and he took the job just to be with me!!

I mean he does give that gorgeous smile when he calls my name...

I mean so what if he's like 40 something and just stands there watching us do crutches? He's still cute.

I must get him to notice me...must. do. more. crutches.

Ow! I think I chipped a nail. 3rd time this week, what a load of crap.

Anyway, I have to get a manicure when I get home.

Ur SunGoddess,
P.S. Today is the day Daniel and Coach whatshisname asks me out!

Day 14 (written by Julie)
Dear Diary
Hey, look! I wrote a poem about me and Dan

oh my Dan
you are the man
if you were a woman
than I'd be a man

oh, wait. I forgot
I already am!

Oh my god! isn't that just the sweetest thing you've ever heard? I have to show it to him. I'm sure he'll be CRYING because he'll be so touched that someone actually likes him. I'm sure he thinks that no one likes him.

WEll, that's all gonna change now.

night, diary.


Day 14 (from Scarlett)

Dear Diary


today while filming, I decided to get some guts and ask DAN out since he wasn't going to and never is going to ask me. so during break time, I practised what I was goign to say to him, and strutted over.

"HiDanny!" I said brightly.

He gave me a weird stare and continued with his bottle of Coke.

Disturbed a little, I went on.

"Danny, what do you think of me? And

make it good."

Dan looked at me again. "Do you want me to tell the truth, or lie?" I thought it over.

"I said it has to be good... so...."

Dan laughed at this.

'Fine, I'll lie. You're the most beautiful thing in the world and I can't get enough of you.



Your precious red rose,

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