Before you proceed, please distinguish which of the 2 pictures above is Hermione Granger and which is Emma Watson.

As any fan or anti-fan knows, the first one is Emma Watson and the second one is Hermione Granger.

Yes, I know that many of you are saying the popular phrase 'Why should I frickin care?'.

Well, folks let's just point this out. We do not hate the Hermione that J.K. Rowling Created. Some of us dislike the Hermione Emma Watson created however.

You see, let's start with the same picture of Hermione Granger, the one that J.K. Rowling created for us.

You see, Hermione's parents are dentists. She is an only child and she possibly wants to make her muggle parents happy that they have a witch in the family.
However, she is quite studious, and does not like sports all that much. In the real world, the popular would look down on her as a nerd.
And that is perhaps why Hermione didn't have many friends at the beginning of the Philosopher's Stone; she's sensitive because other's look down on her.
To better understand, try this scenario:
You have just entered highschool, which makes you a freshman. Some seniors start teasing you because you love to study and they don't.
And that is Hermione folks. She's not concerned with her looks at all until age 14 at the Yule Ball.

Now let's go to Emma.

This is Emma Watson. Her parents are divorced lawyers and here she is, at 12.
12. You don't wear shirts that show bellies at 12. You don't wear the outfit in the picture above in New York in DECEMBER. You don't wear a ton of makeup at 12.
Well let's consider the facts. Her parents are divorced. And usually during hard times girls go...well, slutty.
But with her additude show in interviews and lack of respect towards Americans, I am beginning to see Emma Watson more and more different from Hermione.

Still don't see the resemblance?
Well, this is the way I see them both.

Emma Watson. Preppy fame-getting-to-head star with an additude.

Hermione Granger. Smart and Wise friend who is always there for you.

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