Anti Fan Etiquette

Etiquette is a specific way of talking, sitting down, holding a spoon, ect. that is taught to princesses and other proper Folk.

This is Anti Emma Fan Etiquette

Note: none of this is real and you should never take it seriously. However it is rather fun to read.

Lesson 1

Never wear any of the brands Emma wears. You don't want to come across an Emma fan who screams 'Ohmigod you're an Emma Watson Fan too?!!!'. Those Brands include Gap, Harvey Nichols, and DKNY.

Lesson 2

Never put two thumbs up at the same time. One is okay.

Lesson 3

Make sure to sit correctly. Don't cross your legs. Don't put ur hands on top of your thighs.

Lesson 4

Avoid wearing dresses or skirts. However, If you can't avoid them, never wear high heels in them.

Lesson 5

Never wear one visible pocket. I don't care if you have two pockets or sixteen pockets but never have a single pocket on any of your clothing. If you do have one, sew another one on, take it off, don't wear it, or make some exotic quilt with it.

Lesson 6

Never stick your tongue out purposely when someone takes a picture of you. I, myself, have spent most of my pictures holding a peace sign or some other signs.

Lesson 7

And last of all:
The very worst of anti fan Etiquette. Please, I beg you, do not dress like this:

Well, that's it of Anti Fan Etiquette. Hope you learned something.

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