You Know you've spotted an Emma Fan when..

I found this on an obsessed Emma Fan Site so I guess they get all the credit. But I decided to change and add some things and mix things around a little.
Note: This is just for Fun. Not all Emma Fans are like this...hopefully not.

You know you've spotted an Emma Fan When...
Their hair is straight/wavy blonde hair and a fringe and it's in plaits.

Their Cat is named Bubbles or Domino.

They have a like a million cats in their house.

When asked why, they reply, "I'm obsessed with Cats!"

You take them to a movie rental and they demand to rent...well Cats.

Their on the debate team but is very poor at debating.

They love Physical Education even when they're awful.

Whenever they're surprised they exclaim 'Holy Cricket!'

They've got an Awful fashion sense because they wear the same stuff Emma wears.

They memorized ever single line from the Harry Potter movies and recites them every single day.

They imitate that pathetic laugh.

They refuse to have an American accent.

They hate Hermione.

They spend all of their time at a DKNY store.

They shop EVERY. SINGLE. DAY..

When asked why, they reply 'I'm obsessed with clothes!'

They were belly shirts and short skirts and whatever that doesn't fit them.

They have a snobby attidude.

Whenever they hear the phrase 'Emma dislikers' they reply 'They're just jealous'

They got pictures of Dan and Emma together hanging on their wall.

They play hockey and tennis and refuse to play any other sport.

They memorize all of Emma's interviews.

They make believe that their interviewing Emma theirself.

They laugh after everytime Hagrid says something in the movies or books.

They sigh in an admiring way everytime Gilderoy Lockhart says something in the movies or books.

They've got Brad Pitt posters hanging all over the wall.

They absolutely adore Prince William

They Refuse to be called anything else but Emma Watson.

They go to every single Emma site in the whole wide web.

They go on Anti Emma Sites and mock everything.

They buy Brown contacts and refuse to take them off.

They practice that pathetic smile.

They don't say anything at all without a snobby highclass british accent.

They suddenly want to be a primadonna movie star.

They go to every Gap store there is.

They stay there until the manager has to call security.

They buy every clothing line from Harvey Nichols, whoever he is.

They refuse to eat any type of candy unless its Chocolate or Sherbert lemon jelly beans.

They call every boy in the world Alex.

They start hating geography and math.

Eventually they hate it so much, they fail it.

They just have to win first place at a Poetry contest

If not they just pay the judges to get first place.

They start telling everyone their from Oxfordshire, England.

They start an Emma Obsessed Fan club.

They go up to the judge and demand to change their name, even when the only name they have left is Seymour Butts.

They print out every single picture they find of Emma and post them all over their wall.

While signing yearbooks, they sign 'Emma Watson'.

They go on Ebay and refuse to eat unless they get rare Emma Watson things, such as her toothpick.

They keep taking 'How well do you know Emma' quizzes until they score 100%.

They absolutely hate it when they pronounce Emma Watson unless its in a British Accent.

They watch the movie a thousand times just to see Emma.

They have an Emma Watson pillowcase, lamp, bookcovers, toothbrush, and even Emma Watson toothpaste.

They start stuffing.

They don't celebrate their birthday. Instead they celebrate April 15th and claim they're 13.

They start taking a french class.

They demand to be Morgan La Fay in The Younger Years

And the the swallow in the The Swallow and The Prince

And the Angry cook in Alice in Wonderland

They start worshiping Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Goldie Hawn, and John Cleese

They beg their parents to rename theirselves Jacqueline and Chris

They beg their parents to get a divorce.

They call all of their grandmothers Freda.

When they watch The Hp movies and Hermione is on, they yell 'Wooohooo! Go Emma'! (followed by a loud 'shhhh)

They only listen to Bryan Adams, Suzanne Vega, Dido, and Samantha Mumba and nothing else.

They dress more wilder than Shakira.

They 'claim' they enjoy pop music

They go to a baseball game and say 'Oh what a nice day for Rounders' Which leaves you and the whole stadium confused.

They watch every Julia Roberts movie they can find.

They Read The Phantom Tollbooth and I Captured Castle 15 times.

They get really irratated when someone doesn't call them Emma

They absolutely freak out when they hear Classical or Opera music

They refuse to eat any vegetables.

They absolutely adore Father Christmas.

Remember, these are not real.

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